Frequently Asked Questions
What is your birthday cut-off for Kindergarten eligibility?
Any child who turns 5 before September 1 can apply to our Kindergarten. Because we offer a combination K/1 classroom, we are looking for a variety of readiness skills and will assess applicants at a play date.
What time does the school day begin and end?
The school day begins at 8:40am for Grades K–5. For Grades 6–8, the school day begins at 8:30am. All classes are dismissed at 3:00pm.
Do you have an after-school program, or before-school care?
For an additional cost an Extended Day Program is available. Children can arrive at school beginning at 7:45am. This program is also available immediately after dismissal until 6:00pm. An annual contract is available for after-school care and drop-in students can be enrolled on a per diem basis by their parents with a written request.
Where do the children eat lunch?
Traditionally our students eat lunch in their classrooms, in our courtyard or at the playground. Teachers help facilitate a friendly and constructive environment at lunch time. Students bring lunches from home. Fridays we offer the option of a hot lunch program as a fundraiser for our 7th and 8th grade Yosemite trip.
Are there sports teams at Kittredge?
Yes, Grades 6–8 participate in a co-ed league (San Francisco Athletic League) that includes cross-country and volleyball in the fall, basketball in the winter, and futsal (indoor soccer) in the spring. All grades have P.E. daily during the school day.
JV teams are often available to Grades 4 & 5, whenever interest demands.
How often do the students leave campus?
Our students go on field trips regularly, at the discretion of each teacher. K-3rd Grades usually average one field trip a month. Other grades average 6-7 field trips per year. In addition, Grades 7 and 8 go to NatureBridge/Yosemite for a week of outdoor education each winter.
How can I get involved in the Kittredge community?
There are many ways to participate in our school community. Parents help in the classrooms, drive on field trips, get involved in the Parents Association (KPA) and plan or organize events, as well as volunteer to attend our open houses and play dates. All forms of parent involvement are on a volunteer basis.
What is meant by Habits of Mind?
The Habits of Mind help to enhance the ways students produce knowledge rather than how they reproduce it. For example, we want to help students learn to inquire, think flexibly, and learn from the perspective of others. In all, sixteen Habits are formally taught. To learn more, click here.
What does it cost to attend Kittredge?
Our current tuition for the 2024–2025 school year is $25,800 for Grades K–5 and $26,600 for Grades 6–8. Tuition is set each January for the following year, and it increases every year.
What are my payment options?
All tuition payments are collected by TADS Tuition Management. A non-refundable $1,000.00 tuition deposit will hold your child’s place. The remaining tuition can be paid in one, two, or ten installments. The single payment plan requires payment in full in July. The two-installment plan requires 50% of the tuition in July and the remaining 50% in January. The ten-installment plan requires monthly payments beginning in July and ending in April.
What additional costs can I expect?
Most costs, such as books, field trips and school materials, are included in your child’s tuition. Starting in Grade 4, families are expected to purchase a short list of typical school supplies before the start of school. Families with children on our sports teams are often asked to help defray the cost of referees and gym rentals. Also, 7th and 8th Grade families are asked to help with the cost of a week at NatureBridge/Yosemite. Nobody is denied participation in any activity due to funds.
What kinds of events and activities can I expect to be a part of if my family joins the Kittredge community?
In September, all families are invited to our fall picnic. This is a time to get to know the teachers, staff, and other families in the school. There is also a Back-to-School Night in the fall for parents to get acquainted with their child’s teacher and classroom expectations. Our Holiday Happening, right before winter break, is a wonderful evening of games, crafts and food at school for the whole family. One evening each spring we hold an all-school talent show at a local theater, and in the spring, the Parents Association (KPA) holds their annual dinner and auction. The all-school Field Day attracts many parents each spring. There are also several all-school field trips and barbecues that families are invited to attend during school hours.