Vance Whipple, 7th/8th Grade - Math & Social Studies
Mr. Van Whipple is the new 7th and 8th grade mathematics and social sciences teacher at Kittredge. He has taught in several grade levels and at both public and private schools. This included a stint in middle school teaching 6th through 8th grades and time in high school teaching 9th through 12th grades. He is eager to return to middle school, especially at Kittredge, as his values and goals align well with the school. Van’s favorite subject is math and is known to get into school events, whether it be a game of Quidditch or a dunk tank.
To Van, family is a big part of life. He sees it as a great counterbalance to work and life stressors. Being born in Germany, Van definitely exhibits Wanderlust (he has been to five of the seven continents) and spends a lot of time traveling with family. He is also a big fan of scuba diving through sunken wrecks and jumping out of planes. You’ll often see him with his best bud Winston (his awesome dog) whenever he is out and about.
Personal Teaching Philosophy
To provide guidance to create an environment that fosters knowledge exploration.