Earth Day Edition
April and May Hot Lunches Begin on Friday
First Chance of Order for April is Today
Now after a few Fridays off, April and May Hot Lunches finally begin. There are 2 Fridays each month. This Friday is pizza and next Friday will be bagels. In May we will offer chicken strips and end with pizza.
Please return the order form with the lunches your child would like. Lunch Order Form: April-May 2017
Earth Day Hike for Eighth Graders This Thursday – Let the Sun Shine In
This Thursday, April 20, our 8th graders will hike through the Presidio to the Golden Gate Bridge, walk across the bridge and up into the Headlands. Proper preparation is important, so please be aware of the following: Good walking shoes, a jacket, and water bottles are required. An especially hearty lunch and sunscreen are good ideas. Personal stereos (iPod, other MP3 players, etc.) are permitted!
Art Costa Visits on Friday
Once again we have the good fortune of having Art Costa spend a day at Kittredge. He will have time to stop into classrooms and talk with teachers to see how our Habit of Mind curriculum is going. He will also stay after school to meet with our teachers at our Friday staff meeting.
More Photos!
Futsal & Talent Show
Clink the following link to see a few hundred pictures of the FUTSAL TEAM in action:
Click this link to see all of Kevin Smith’s TALENT SHOW photos:
The Annual KPA Dinner and Auction is May 6th
Hopefully everyone has received the evite from the KPA with details about this annual event. There is a beautiful website,, where you can purchase dinner tickets, pre-order a Talent Show DVD, or pre-order your child’s artwork.
There have been many parents volunteering their time and working hard to make this year’s dinner a wonderful evening and we hope that we see a lot of you on May 6th.
High School Information Night for 7th Grade Parents is Thursday, May 11 at 6pm
All 7th grade parents are invited and strongly encouraged to attend this informational meeting about the high school application process. Now is a great time to begin talking as a family about goals and plans for high school. Don’t let the admissions process become overwhelming. Come and get some basic information to help you start planning for this next step in your child’s education.
Students will get a lot of support for this process next year, so this meeting is for parents only.
Looking Ahead…
Staff Development Day is May 19; No School
Please note that we have a teacher development day scheduled next month. This will be a workday for teachers but there will be no classes. Extended Day will be open during the hours of 8:00am to 6:00pm for 5 students or more.
David Silverman Open Studio
May 20 and 21; 522 Baker Street; 10am to 5pm
David, a talented painter, is having an Open Studio weekend. Come take a peek at what our Performing Arts teacher does with his spare time.
No Spring Fever at Kittredge!
April Calendar of Events
April 19: Grandma L. visits the K/1 class to make people pillows; 5th & 6th grades to Film Festival; Futsal practice; Science with Ms. Rose
April 20: 8th grade all-day hike; Futsal vs. SFFS Blue @ 4:30 @ SFFS
April 21: Art Costa visits Kittredge
April 24: Turn off TV Week Begins; Futsal Practice at Hi 5
April 25: Futsal vs. KIPP @ 4:30 @ KIPP; Science Club
April 26: Futsal Practice; Science Club
April 28: 2nd/3rd grade writing celebration; Middle School Dance @ PHS
April 30: Turn off TV Week Ends
May Dates to Remember
May 5: Turn off TV Party
May 6: KPA Spring Dinner/Auction
May 8 to 11: ERB testing for 3rd to 8th graders
May 11: 7th Grade Parent high school meeting
May 19: Staff Development Day; No Classes
Planning for Next Year?
Our first day of school will be Wednesday, August 30. A complete calendar will be available in May after our Staff Development Day.