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Kittredge Konnection – April 26, 2016


Please help your child join our school Spirit Day tomorrow and celebrate his or her hair.


Seventh Grade Parent High School Information Night – Next Tuesday, May 3 @6:00pm

All parents of 7th graders are invited (and strongly encouraged) to meet with Mr. Young to hear about the admissions process for High School entrance. Now is a great time to begin organizing your calendar with dates and details so there will be less stress in the Fall! Students will have a lot of support next year so this meeting is for parents only.


Spring Forward with the KPA – Next Saturday, May 7 @ 6:00pm

Time is running out to get your tickets for the 2016 KPA Dinner and Auction on May 7! The evening will be jam-packed with great food, fun, and community benefiting our kids. If you haven’t gotten your ticket yet, please head over to the website You can also buy DVDs of the Talent Show and purchase 6th, 7th, and 8th grade kids’ art on the website.

Evening Highlights:

** Delicious Dinner:  Catered by Presidio Foods–led by our very own Kittredge Dad Robbie Lewis!

** Open Bar: Featuring wines from Francis Ford Coppola winery, brews from Lagunitas, and signature cocktails invented for us by Kittredge Mom and Mixologist Leanne Waldal.

** Live Music: played by Kittredge’s very own Mr. L, John Lavaroni, and Mark Merritt!

** Silent Auction: The classes put together amazing goody baskets to auction, as well as inventing fabulous “Count-Me-In Events” to spark our fancies.

** Wine Raffle: Interested in getting a selection of amazing wine for a song? Try your luck at the wine raffle—where you can win a collection of great wines!

** Kids’ Art: This year the fabulous Chris Babcock (, artist and mom of alumna Mookie, donated her time and studio materials for the kids to make some AMAZING art! The K/1, 2/3, and 4/5 classes each made one large, collaborative piece that will be sold during the live auction. The 6, 7, and 8 classes worked independently to create their own pieces of art.

** Live Auction: Mr. L is our master of ceremonies and auctioneer and will auction off some very special items during dinner.


Talent Show DVDs are Available to Order

A DVD of this year’s wonderful Talent Show is available to pre-purchase on for those who want it. If anyone would like to order one at school, please send in the payment and your name. The cost is $20.00… quite a bargain!


Planning for Next Year?

Our first day of school will be Wednesday, August 31. A complete calendar will be available after our Staff Development Day.


There is Still Some Space Available in Summer School

Our 5-week program begins on June 20 and goes until July 22. Mornings are designed to keep students active and their grade level skills strong. The afternoons offer a variety of free play and structured activities. If you are interested, applications are available in the office or you can download one from our website.

Some space is still available for students who are entering 1st grade through 6th grade.


Final Book for the Parent Book Club

The third trimester’s PBC (parent book club) will meet on Thursday, May 12th, from 6:00 pm to 7:30 pm. We are reading “Last Child in the Woods-Saving Our Children from Nature Deficit Disorder” by Richard Louv.

We encourage every parent to join this community-building event and we thank Ms. Dharmer for choosing such interesting books and leading such insightful discussions.


No Spring Fever at Kittredge!

April Calendar of Events

April 26: 4/5 Film Festival

April 27: Crazy Hair Day!!

April 28: 6th grade Sleepover

April 29: 5th grade poetry festival; 7th grade to Chris Babcock

May Dates to Remember

May 2: K/1 to Presidio Dance Theater; 6th grade to Film Festival

May 3: 7th Grade Parent high school meeting

May 7: KPA Spring Dinner/Auction

May 9: Start of ERBs and Screen Free Week

May 12: Parent Book Club; No Study Hall

May 13: No Classes; Staff Development/Work Day


KPA Korner


The 2016 KPA Dinner & Auction on May 7th is fast approaching!! If you haven’t gotten your tickets to this fabulous event yet, please head on over to to pick them up! Tickets to the event are $85 and the evening will be jam-packed with awesome food, drinks, entertainment, music, and of course the auction–all benefiting our kids! You can also purchase DVDs of the talent show and 6th, 7th, and 8th grade art on the website.

See you there!


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