This Week's News
Thank You for Celebrating 80 Years of Kittredge
This past Saturday was a wonderful way to celebrate the best little school in town! We loved getting to see so many familiar faces, and we will treasure those moments of reconnection. Here's to another 80 years!
Hot Lunch
Hot Lunch this week will be a cheese quesadilla, carrots, a clementine, and a juice box. You can sign up using this Google form.
Screen-Free Challenge Starts Tomorrow
Wednesday, May 1st through Tuesday, May 7th Kittredge School will be participating in a Screen-Free Challenge. Our hope is that students will use screens only as needed for school related assignments and activities.
Each class will have a goal number of screen-free hours that they must complete as a group in order to win the challenge. As your child comes to school each morning May 1-7, they will have an opportunity to record how many hours they went screen free. If your child's class reaches their goal on May 7th they can look forward to a class reward, to be decided in class.
We hope that this encourages every single student to examine their own relationship to technology and learn to strike the right balance!
7th and 8th to the deYoung on Thursday
On Thursday, May 2nd, 7th and 8th grade students will go on a field trip to the deYoung Museum.
The forecast is supposed to be sunny but this is San Francisco! Please send your child with a layer, just in case. Please also make sure your child has a water bottle, comfortable shoes, and a hearty lunch.
It should be a beautiful day of art and FUN!
It's hard to believe it, but our Futsal season wraps up tomorrow! It's been a great season, and we are so proud of the sportsmanship and growth that both the JV and Varsity teams exhibited.
The last game of the season will be tomorrow, Wednesday, May 1, at at 4pm. The game will be at SF Friends, against SF Friends.
Kittredge students have been loving the Kidstock drama workshop held on Monday afternoons from 3:15-5:00. Singing, music, and laughter can be heard all around the school, and we can't wait to see what these kids learn next.
Talent Show Video is Available
If you want to relive all the wonderful acts from last month’s Talent Show, you can get a copy of the show on a thumb drive suitable for your computer or a Smart TV. The recording uses two different camera angles courtesy of Mr. Young and Tate Gebhart who manned the cameras. When you purchase a thumb drive with the show on it for a mere $20, all of that $20 goes to the KPA! Just call Jamie or stop by her desk to order your video today.
Next Week's News
Sports Day
Wednesday, May 8th is Sports Day!
Students and teachers are encouraged to come to school in their favorite sports gear. Whether it's baseball, basketball, football, or even pickleball, we look forward to seeing Kittredge in their favorite sporty outfits or representing their favorite team.
Student Athlete Sports Banquet
On Wednesday, May 8th, the sports don't stop!
If your child was on a Kittredge sports team your family is invited to join Coach Gules and fellow student athletes for the Kittredge School sports banquet! The festivities will be at Rochambeau Park from 5-7pm. Awards will be given out at 6pm.
Please let us know if you will be attending using this Google form.
KPA Korner
That's a Wrap!
Thank you to everyone who contributed to the Spring Fundraiser!
From the generous families who contributed goods and services to our amazing teachers who donate their time and creativity for the Count-Me-Ins to the lucky "winners" of raffles and auctions, it truly takes a village to raise funds to support the school. A special shout-out to Kevin Wong, Michelle Mah and Jacyln Lerch for organizing the online auction...and we can't forget our tireless KPA President Jessica May-Shah for her dedication and support.
Results are being tallied so stay tuned...
Last KPA Meeting of the Year! Tuesday, May 14 at 6 p.m.
Thank you amazing parent community for another lovely school year supporting our teachers and kids! Join us at Kittredge for light snacks and beverages as we celebrate our hard work this year. We will discuss fundraising recaps, past events, and choose class parents for next year. We will also celebrate Anna Malyala, Treasurer, and Leyla Cebeci, Secretary, as they pass on the torch to two new board members. Childcare and pizza for the kids will also be provided. Zoom option available.
Save-the-Date for the Year-End Picnic
Saturday, June 1, 10am-1pm
Let's get together as a community at the Kittredge Year-End Picnic at Rochambeau. We will be inviting next year's new students and parents, so let's have a great turn-out to welcome them!
Keep your eye out for details and an RSVP link.
Important Dates
5/1-5/7 - Screen-Free Challenge
5/1 - Last futsal game vs. SF Friends at 4pm
5/8 - Sports Day
5/8 - Sports Banquet 5pm-7pm
5/23 - Beach Clean
5/24 - No School - Faculty in Service Day
5/27 - No School - Memorial Day
5/31 - Field Day
6/4 - 8th Grade Graduation
6/5 - Minimum Day - Faculty Work Day
6/6 - Minimum Day - Last Day of School