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Kittredge Konnection — April 5, 2016

A Big Round of Applause to the KPA

Our talent show last week was a huge success and lots of fun. The whole school community thanks the KPA for their generosity in funding the beautiful venue that we all enjoyed. The reception in the atrium with coffee and light snacks was a wonderful way to begin the evening…thank you Debbie and Liz for your time. Let’s do it again next year!


Update: Ms. Elisabeth had a happy, healthy baby girl yesterday morning! Everyone is doing great. Congratulations to the Avnet family!!


Spring Break Begins this Friday, April 8th at Noon

Extendo is open until 6pm this Friday as well as next Tuesday and Wednesday only!

Please remember that we have a minimum day dismissal on Friday to begin our Spring Break. Extended Day is available until 6:00 that day.

There will also be Extendo on Tuesday and Wednesday next week from 8am to 6pm. Thank you all for completing the surveys.


April’s Habit of Mind: Finding Humor

Nobody knows why we laugh. It is an instinct that can be traced back to chimps. Beyond the fact that laughing is enjoyable, it may have medical value as well. Laughing, scientists have discovered, has positive effects on physiological functions: blood vessels relax, stress hormones disperse, and the immune system gets a boost. Humor has also been found to have psychological benefits. It liberates creativity and provokes higher-level thinking skills.

“From there to here, and here to there, funny things are everywhere”.

~Dr. Seuss


Culture Day is this Thursday, April 7!

Culture Day is our annual celebration of the diversity of our world! Classroom teachers are working with their students to identify a culture to celebrate… either the student’s own, or one that he or she wants to learn about.

In typical Kittredge fashion, the main celebration will revolve around the food of the culture. Everyone is asked bring an item to share at lunchtime. Classes will open their doors and a cultural feast will be available for students at lunch.


KPA Meeting, Tuesday, April 19

The April meeting has been changed to April 19th because of Spring Break next week.

All parents are invited to attend this monthly Parent Association Meeting from 6 to 7pm. There will be daycare and a pizza snack provided for Kittredge students.


Check Out the Talent Show!

Almost three hundred beautiful pictures of last week’s Talent Show, taken by our own Kevin Smith, are available at the following link:

There are also some pictures printed and available to see on the office bulletin board.


Thank you Kristen Kadner and Brian Roddy!

Last Saturday night many Kittredge parents and teachers had an absolutely lovely time at Kristen and Brian’s house. Thank you so much for opening your doors and welcoming the whole community. The delicious food (by Remi) and the great company added to the good vibes.

Thanks also to everyone’s generous wine/alcohol donations to the Auction!


Final Book for the Parent Book Club

The third trimester’s PBC (parent book club) will meet on Thursday, May 12th, from 6:oo pm to 7:30 pm. We will be reading “Last Child in the Woods-Saving Our Children from Nature Deficit Disorder” by Richard Louv.

We encourage every parent to join this community-building event and we thank Ms. Dharmer for choosing such interesting books and leading such insightful discussions.


Dates to Remember… A Lot is Going on

April 6: 2nd and 3rd grades Field Trip to the Library

April 7: Culture Day

April 8: Minimum Day; Spring Break begins; Extended Day available

April 12th and 13th: Extended Day open from 8am to 6pm

April 18: Back from Spring Break; Boys Futsal vs. Live Oak @ 4pm – UCSF

April 19: KPA meeting

April 20: Girls Futsal vs. Synergy @ 5pm – Ella Hill

April 21: 8th grade Golden Gate Bridge Hike; 2nd/3rd Writing Celebration

April 22: Art Costa Visits! 4th/5th to Chris Babcock’s; Pizza Lunch (if ordered);

Girls Futsal vs. CAIS @ 4pm and Boys Futsal vs. CAIS @ 5pm

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