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Kittredge Konnection – August 30, 2022

Today’s News

Stay Konnected

Welcome to the Kittredge Konnection, a weekly newsletter put together by the school staff to keep the Kittredge community informed and connected.

The Konnection arrives to your inbox each Tuesday, and it will also be posted on our website. Don’t miss out! Read the Konnection every Tuesday.

Thank You KPA!

The Kittredge Parents Association hosted a wonderful first day of school coffee yesterday. Thank you KPA for this event. It was fun to see old faces and meet new ones. We are looking forward to the first KPA meeting on September 13 at 6pm.

This Week’s News

Minimum Day Dismissal on Friday, September 2

Please note that Friday is a minimum day as we ease out of our first week of school and into Labor Day Weekend. Students will be dismissed at noon. Extended Day will be available for drop-in registration if needed.

Please use this Google form by tomorrow, August 31, to confirm whether your child will be dismissed to Extended Day or will be dismissed to go home at noon.

Permission for Dismissal

This year we ask that parents whose children have permission to leave by themselves at the end of the school day please sign and return a permission slip. You should have received this permission slip in the body of the email with the link to this Konnection.

Talent Show Video Available

If you would like a video of last spring’s Talent Show at the Jerry Garcia Amphitheater, one is available on a USB thumb drive that will work on a Mac, a PC or any other device (like a TV) that accepts USB drives.

Each copy is $20, all of which goes directly to the Kittredge Parents Association. You can send your requests to

Next Week’s News

No Classes Next Monday – Labor Day Holiday

There will be no classes on Monday, September 5. We wish everyone a happy and healthy long weekend, and look forward to seeing you back on Tuesday, September 6.

Study Hall Begins

Study Hall will begin on Tuesday, September 6. If you plan on your child attending Study Hall, please fill out an After School Form and submit it to

Back to School Nights: September 12, 14, and 15

This year, we will return to Zoom for Back to School Nights, which will be staggered over Monday, September 12; Wednesday, September 14; and Thursday, September 15. This allows parents with more than one child at Kittredge to be able to attend each child’s teacher presentation.

Back to School Night information will focus on curriculum and expectations, and is not for individual conferencing. It will be a chance to hear your child’s teacher’s goals and plans for the year.

The schedule for classroom presentations is:

Monday, September 12:

5:30 to 6:00 – 7th Grade, Mara Leonard

6:30 to 7:00 – 8th Grade, Mara Leonard

5:30 to 6:00 – 8th Grade, Terry Young

6:30 to 7:00 – 7th Grade, Terry Young

Wednesday, September 14:

5:30 to 6:10 – 5th Grade, Katie Bradley

6:30 to 7:10 – 6th Grade, Kevin Smith

Thursday, September 15:

5:30 to 6:10 – Kindergarten, 1st Grade – Graziella Villahermosa

6:30 to 7:10 – 2nd, 3rd, 4th Grade – Amanda Horrocks

General School Policies

Please Help Kittredge Be A Good Neighbor!

As any of our students will tell you, Kittredge is a safe place. Our greatest concern is for the safety of our students and our community. With this in mind, we believe that it is always preferable that parents find a legal parking spot to drop off or pick up their children. We also know it is not always possible for parents to park and meet, so to this end, we have pick up and drop off policies for our loading zone. Please read them and follow them entirely.

  1. The first rule is for all parents to drive safely. It is important that all observe all traffic laws (do not speed, make illegal U-turns, double park or park on any corner) and always be on the look-out for children.

  2. It is important that cars do not stay in our loading zone for any time more than is necessary. Students must get in and out of cars quickly and safely and exit directly to the sidewalk when dropped off and enter from the sidewalk when picked up. Backpacks, jackets and lunches should be ready and close by so that students can enter/exit quickly (not in the trunk) and organization of materials should be taken care of before pulling in. Car and booster seats must be properly installed before entering the loading zone. If a parent needs to leave the driver seat for any reason, the loading zone should not be used and the parent should find and use a legal parking spot.

  3. At pickup, if the child is not at the loading zone, the parent must carefully drive around the block until their child arrives or, even better, find a legal parking spot to come meet their child on foot. Parents should not park and wait for the arrival of their child, for this will block the pick up area for others and create a possible hazard.

  4. Please follow these rules and remember to be patient and careful. We are all counting on everybody working together for the safety of our children and the good of the neighborhood.

If you have any questions about these procedures, please feel free to call the school or catch Ms. Pon-Barry on the corner during drop off. (But remember to park legally before you do!)

Looking Ahead

Habit of Mind for September: Listening with Understanding and Empathy

“Empathy is simply listening, holding space, withholding judgment, emotionally connecting, and communicating that incredibly healing message of you’re not alone.” – Brene Brown

When we empathize with others, and make an effort to understand them, we honor their humanity and our own. When we pair that with the ability really listen to others, we see one of the most important and necessary skills for developing and deepening every kind of relationship.

Fall Picnic: Saturday, September 17 at Mountain Lake Park

Join us on Saturday, September 17, from 10am until 1pm for our annual fall picnic. You can enter the park on 9th and Lake, and find us at the shelter between 8th and 10th.

Masks will be optional.

Each family should bring their own picnic lunch, and a blanket and/or chairs for their group. Kittredge will provide juice boxes, chip bags and desserts.

We can’t wait to see you there!

Planning A Trip?

If you are looking ahead at the Kittredge calendar (found on and planning a trip for the holidays or a long weekend, please reference our website or subscribe to our google calendar.

Want to see more?

Follow Kittredge on Instagram

Want to sneak a peek into your child’s school day? Follow us on Instagram at @Kittredgeschool to see all the highlights and shenanigans!

Let’s Konnect

If you know of someone who wants to receive the Kittredge Konnection please have them email and we will update our list. Thank you.

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