This Week's News
Invention Convention

Before break our 6th graders presented their brilliant ideas at the annual Invention Convention. Ideas ranged from a robotic maple syrup spreader that guarantees the perfect pancake to a whiteboard eraser with a compartment to store your markers! These students used innovation, creativity, and scientific thinking to come up with some truly impressive inventions. Way to go, 6th grade!
7/8 Legion of Honor
Our 7th and 8th grade students are off on an adventure this morning, seeing the works of artist Mary Cassatt. Students will have a picnic lunch near the museum, and will return afterward. It's a beautiful day for a walk in the Richmond and a stroll around a museum!
Student Council Helps Save Endangered Animals

We are proud to announce that our student council raised $225 toward Endangered Species International at last month's bake sale. Thank you to everyone who donated and thank you to our student council for putting this together!
Student Council Forms Due Tomorrow
Speaking of student council... forms are due tomorrow! If your child is interested in running for a position in student council, a form must be turned in to the office by Wednesday, December 3.
Hot Lunch
Hot lunch this Friday, December 6, will be cheese pizza, carrots, string cheese, and a juice box. You can sign up here.
Next Week's News
Sports Report
Kittredge's first basketball game of the season is next Monday! Our girls' varsity team will play against Gateway at Burkes at 3:45. Our boys' varsity team will play against Synergy at Upper Noe Rec Center at 4:15.
Science Club
Ms. Rose begins her next Science Club unit next week! Keep an eye out for an email with more information and permission slips later this week.
Make-up Pictures
Make-up pictures will be offered next Thursday, December 12. If you would like to sign up for a re-do, please do so ASAP! You should have received a post card and an email from MugsyClicks with information about accessing your pictures.
Teacher conferences are next week! We look forward to seeing you and chatting about your children on Thursday, December 12 or Friday, December 13.
Conference sign-ups should be completed by now. Please call the office if you are running late or need any last-minute changes. Students can be dropped off during your conference, free of charge.
Extendo Available 12/12 and 12/13
Next Thursday and Friday, 12/12 and 12/13, are minimum days. Students will be dismissed at 12pm. Please let us know if your child will be joining the Extended Day program using this google form.
Looking Ahead
Winter Break
One break ends, and another's just around the corner! We will be on Winter Break from December 23-January 3. Classes will resume on January 6. We wish you and your families a wonderful holiday season!
KPA Korner
Save the Date and Volunteer for the Holiday Happening
We're looking forward to a festive night of food, festivities and family fun at Kittredge on Thursday, 12/19. We're still looking for volunteers to help with set up, games, crafts, etc. Visit the sign-up sheet and help make this a great evening for the kids! Questions? Email Co-Chairs Riva Gokhale at rivar924@gmail.com or Adrianne Ford at adriannemarieford@gmail.com.
Look for an Evite invitation to the Holiday Happening and RSVP later this week!
Support Kittredge while Ticking Off Your Holiday To-Dos!
Purchase See's Candies through the KPA Storefront and we receive a portion of the purchase.
Use promo code FUNDRAISEKITTREDGE to receive 20% off Minted stationary and custom gifts AND the KPA will receive a donation of 15% of every purchase.
Plus, submit your receipts from the Fall Fundraiser to have your company match your donations! Learn more about corporate matching and other ways to support Kittredge before the year-end.