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Kittredge Konnection – December 6, 2016

Bake Sale for Haiti is Thursday!

The 6th grade is sponsoring a bake sale. Treats will be available for students at snack time and a donation to the Red Cross for Haiti will be accepted. Please send your child with a few extra dollars if he or she would like to participate.


Parent Conferences are Thursday and Friday

Minimum days are scheduled this week so that teachers can hold parent conferences. Extended Day is available for all students who come during conference time. Parents must sign in their child with an Extended Day teacher before they head off to their conference.

Important: Please make sure you arrive on time for your conference so that you can take advantage of the full 20-minute time spot. Because conferences are scheduled back to back, it is important that they end on time.


Minimum Days for Parent Conferences

Please Complete Your Dismissal Information on Survey Monkey

Every parent is being asked to complete 5 easy questions on a survey monkey form so we know where to dismiss your child next week. Please remember that Thursday and Friday are noon dismissals so that teachers can meet for parent conferences.

Thanks in advance! Here’s the link:


Student Council Elections

All students interested in running for a classroom or school-wide office must return a signed permission form by noon on Thursday, December 8. Our election for next term’s officers will be held on December 15, before our Winter Break. Student Council is open to students in 4th to 8th grades.


Let’s Not Forget Others… Toy Drive and Food Drive are in Progress

Please celebrate the holiday spirit by helping those less fortunate.

Toy Drive: A new, unwrapped toy or book will go the SF Fire Fighters Toy Drive. Our toy barrel is here and your generous donation can be dropped off at any time… or you can bring a toy or book to the Holiday Happening!

Food Drive: Canned and packaged goods will go to the SF Food Bank. Our barrel is here in the office and you can drop off items at any time.


More Photos to See!

Click the following link to see pictures from Look Alike Day:

And use this link to see pictures from the all-school field trip to the California Academy of Science:


Extended Day will Close at 5:00 Next Thursday, December 15

This will give families some time together before coming back at 6:30 for the celebration and it will give us some time to prepare the school. Thanks for your help and support.


Holiday Happening – Volunteers Needed

The Holiday Happening is just around the corner and we need parent volunteers! We will have tables set up with arts and crafts and we always welcome help setting up and cleaning up. No experience necessary. Please email Julia Velarde and thank you in advance for your participation!


Holiday Happening – Next Thursday, December 15th from 6:30 – 8:15

All families are invited to attend Kittredge School’s annual Holiday Happening. Please mark your calendars now to make sure you don’t miss this wonderful event.

  1. Please bring a finger food appetizer or dessert to share.

  2. A sandwich snack/dinner is provided.

  3. There will be crafts and games for all.

  4. We will end with a community sing-a-long.

  5. As always, a great time is expected!

Rumor has it that Santa will make an appearance.

Important Note To All Parents: During the Holiday Happening we ask parents to supervise their own children. There will be a lot of stimuli throughout the school and it can be overwhelming to some. Also, the party must stay inside the school building. Students will not be able to leave the school without parent supervision.


Winter Break Begins at Noon next Friday, December 16

Extended Day is open from 12 to 5

Extended Day is open until 5pm for anyone who needs it. A survey monkey form will go home next week so we can make sure we are staffed properly.


December/January Calendar

Tis the season…

With less than two weeks of school left before Winter Break, we are packing our calendar full of activities! Please take a look so you don’t miss anything!

  1. Wednesday, December 7: Basketball Practice at Hi-5 from 3:15 to 4:30

  2. Thursday, December 8: Student Council Bake Sale hosted by the 6th graders

  3. Thursday & Friday, December 8 & 9: Noon dismissal; No Study Hall; Extendo until 6

  4. Thursday, December 15: No Study Hall; Extendo until 5

  5. Thursday, December 15: Holiday Happening from 6:30 to 8:00

  6. Friday, December 16: Noon dismissal – Winter Break begins (Extendo Open 12 to 5)

  7. Monday, December 19 to Monday, January 2: Kittredge will be closed. No Extendo.

  8. Tuesday, January 3: First day of 2017


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