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Kittredge Konnection — February 2, 2016

Please Remember to Complete Your Online Enrollment to Hold a Space for Next Year

Thank you to everyone who has completed his or her Enrollment. If you would like to hold a space for your child next year, please make sure to complete the process by February 5.


Noon Dismissal Next Friday, February 12 – Presidents Day Break

Students will be dismissed at noon next Friday and Extendo will be open until 6pm. There will be no school or Extended Day School on Monday, February 15th and Extended Day will be available February 16 to 19 by registration. A minimum enrollment of 5 is needed for Extended Day to be open.

Every Kittredge parent is being asked to respond to the Survey Monkey questions on this link:

Thank you in advance for your response!


Thank you Kyle Kaufman

Thank you to Kyle Kaufman for volunteering time on Saturday to represent Kittredge to prospective kindergarten families. We had a very successful play date thanks to you.


Thank you Sarah and Toto HaBa

Ben Friesen, who runs Taro’s Origami Studio in Oakland –, came to Kittredge last Friday to teach the science and art of origami to Ms. Baker’s and Kevin’s classes. Ben is Giselle and Josie’s origami teacher, and the Haba’s gifted his inspiring lesson. Thank you Sarah and Toto.


Another thank you to Sarah

Another thank you to Sarah HaBa for volunteering her time and expertise to weed and garden the flower boxes in the front. We are looking forward to see what flowers pop up!


7th and 8th Grades Ice Skating Field Trip – This Thursday

On Thursday our 7th and 8th graders will spend the day at Yerba Buena Ice Rink preparing for the cold weather of Yosemite. Please make sure that your child has a hearty lunch to help them through this busy day.


NatureBridge: February 7 to 12

On Sunday our 7th and 8th graders will head over to Yosemite National Park for a very memorable outdoor education and bonding experience. We will be sending out our wishes for good weather!


Congratulations to our Girls JV Basketball Team!

Our girls basketball team has made the playoffs! Congratulations to each and every player and their coaches for a great season. The playoff schedule will be set on Friday. Go Kittredge!


Valentines Day at Kittredge – February 12

Please remember that if your child is distributing Valentines’ cards in school, he or she should have one for every member of the class. Candy treats will not be allowed to be eaten in classes and should be used minimally, if at all.


Hot Lunch for February

We will be here for only 2 Friday lunches this month… the first and the last Fridays. Please make sure to turn in your order this week by Thursday if your child would like lunch on Friday. Click this link for a form:  Feb Hot Lunch


February Habit of Mind: Thinking and Communicating with Clarity and Precision

“A word to the wise is not sufficient if it doesn’t make sense.” ~James Thurber

Successful people communicate accurately and precisely both in written and oral form. They strive to be concise, coherent and clear.

“It is my ambition to say in ten sentences; what others say in a whole book.”

~Friedrich Nietzsche


Last Call for Raffle Tickets!

Remember to turn in your envelopes with ticket stubs and payments by next Tuesday, 2/9! Don’t miss your chance to win fabulous prizes and, most importantly, help to continue all of the KPA-supported activities for the kids. Thanks, Heather Miller


February Calendar

Tuesday, February 2

  1. Science Club 1st to 3rd grades

Wednesday, February 3

  1. Science Club 4th to 6th grades

Thursday, February 4

  1. 7th and 8th grade ice skating

Friday, February 5

  1. Chess

  2. Bagel Lunch (must turn in new form)

Sunday, February 7 to Friday, February 12

  1. 7th and 8th grades to Yosemite Institute; bus leaves at 10am sharp

Friday, February 12

  1. Minimum Day; noon dismissal

  2. No Chess; No Hot Lunch

  3. 7th/8th return about 8pm

Monday, February 15

  1. Presidents’ Day; no school

Tuesday, February 16 – Friday, February 19

  1. Presidents’ Week; no classes; Extended Day open for 5 or more by reservation

Monday, February 22

  1. Everyone’s Back!!


Looking Ahead… March 10th is the next PBC (Parent Book Club) Meeting

Ms. Dharmer will lead the second trimester book club meeting on March 10th. All parents are invited to read and join the discussion of our second book, “Freeing your Child From Anxiety” by Tamar Chansky.

We will meet from 6 to 7:30 on Thursday, March 10. Light refreshments will be served. Please contact Debra Dharmer at if you have any questions about the PBC.

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