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Kittredge Konnection — January 12, 2016

Martin Luther King, Jr. Day – No School This Monday

As written in our school calendar, Kittredge will be closed on Monday, January 18 in observance of Dr. Martin Luther King Day.


Everyone is invited to attend the parents meeting from 6 to 7 this evening. Childcare is available.

TADS Tuition Payments

Just a reminder to our families using the two-payment tuition plan, January is the month that the second half will be deducted from your tuition account.

We’re Planning for Next Year

Re-enrollment will be available online beginning January 25 and ending February 6. This online information as well as the $1000.00 registration fee must be completed in order to hold a space for your child.

If you already know that your child will not be returning to Kittredge next year, please feel free to let us know, as it will help with planning.

There’re Still 3 Friday Lunches Available

This Friday is pizza, next Friday is Gordo’s bean and cheese burritos, and the month ends with chicken strips. Forms are available in the office and were also sent home with the Konnection last week. Please turn one in tomorrow if your child would like this Friday’s lunch.

New Chess Session will Begin on Friday

A new session will begin on Friday and new students as well as continuing students can register. Registration forms are in the office or you can register online at:

New Science Club with Ms. Rose Begins this Week

Tuesdays will be for 1st to 3rd graders and Wednesdays will be for 4th to 6th graders. Registration forms are in the office or can be requested from Ms. Rose at: You can also contact her with questions.

Habits of Mind Feedback Wanted

Mr. L. would love to hear any stories or information about Habits of Mind that parents are willing to share with him. If you can email with any family anecdote or conversation it would be appreciated. Pete is presenting at a NIPSA conference about implementing Habits of Mind in a school.

Kittredge on the Go – Field Trips coming Soon

As we settle in to the new year, many classes have scheduled field trips to supplement their curriculum. To help your child get the most out of these activities, please help him or her to be at school on time with all supplies requested. Thank you.

  1. Tomorrow, Wednesday, January 13: K/1 class will go to the library; 2/3 class will go to the Exploratorium

  2. Next Wednesday, January 20: 2/3 class will go to the Asian Art Museum

  3. Thursday, January 28: 7th and 8th graders will take an all day hike to break in their hiking shoes and prepare for outdoor education at Yosemite.

  4. Thursday, February 4: 7th and 8th graders will go ice-skating at Yerba Buena to prepare for their week with Nature Bridge at Yosemite Park.

KPA Korner

Winter Raffle is in Progress

Once again Heather Miller (Bee’s mom) is running our annual raffle. All students have been given an envelope with tickets to sell and Trudy has more available if you need them.

Please return all sold tickets and payments by February 9th. The drawing will be February 11th at school.

Save The Date: May 7 from 6 to 10pm is the KPA Spring Dinner

We have reserved the Presidio Log Cabin for this wonderful evening of food, music and fun. Plans have already begun and details will follow but please… save the date!

Lice Information Night has Been Cancelled

There will be no meeting with the Hair Fairies this week. We apologize for any inconvenience.

A Lot is Going On… January Calendar

Today, Tuesday, January 12

  1. The KPA will have their January meeting at 6pm to 7pm. As always, all parents are encouraged to attend. Childcare and a pizza snack will be available for Kittredge students during the meeting.

  2. Science Club

Wednesday, January 13

  1. Science Club

  2. Field Trips for the K/1 class and the 2/3 class

  3. Basketball game at 5:15 at Burke’s

Friday, January 15

  1. Chess Class Begins

  2. Pizza Lunch (if ordered)

Monday, January 18

  1. MLK, Jr. Day; School is closed; no classes, no extended day

Tuesday, January 19

  1. Science Club

Wednesday, January 20

  1. 2/3 class Asian Art Museum

  2. Science Club

Thursday, January 21

  1. Basketball game at 4pm at SF School

Friday, January 22

  1. Burrito Lunch (if ordered)

Wednesday, January 27

  1. Basketball game at 4pm at CAIS

Thursday, January 28

  1. 7th and 8th grade all day hike

Friday, January 29

  1. Basketball game at 5pm at Ella Hill vs. Burke’s

  2. Chess

  3. Chicken Strip Lunch (if ordered)

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