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Kittredge Konnection – January 15, 2019


January’s Habit of Mind: Gathering Data Through all Senses

“Tell me, and I’ll forget. Show me, and I may remember. Involve me, and I’ll understand.” ~Native American Proverb

This month we will be helping students learn and make informed decisions by using the sensory information they gather in their daily lives.

We know that all information gets into the brain through the sensory pathways and we know that most learning is derived through observing and experiencing. To know a game it must be played; to know a dance it must be moved; to know a goal it must be envisioned.

There are many ways that our senses form our thoughts… ask your child about our assembly today.



KPA Meeting Tonight – 6pm to 7pm

All parents are invited to attend the first meeting of 2019 and see what’s in store for the rest of the school year. There will be daycare and a pizza snack available for Kittredge students while their parents are in the meeting.



No School Monday, January 21

As written in our calendar, there will be no classes or Extended Day on Monday, January 21 in observance of MLK, Jr. Day.


New Chess Session will Begin Next Friday, January 25 – Sign Up Today

A new session will begin this month and continuing students as well as new students can register online at: Registration forms can be downloaded here are also in the office if you want one. Kittredge Chess


TADS Tuition Payments

Just a reminder to our families using the two-payment tuition plan, January is the month that the second half will be deducted from your tuition account.


Also Coming… Re-enrollment for Next Year

From January 28 until February 9 TADS online enrollment will be open for current families. If your child will be returning to Kittredge next year, you will need to complete this form online by February 9th. There will be a $1000.00 deposit needed at that time to hold a space for your child.

We’re looking forward to another great year!



Girl’s Practice Tomorrow, Weather Permitting

The girl’s b-ball team practice tomorrow in Rochambeau may be cancelled due to rain. Coach Perkins will let your girls know in the afternoon.


Girl’s Basketball Game on Friday

Our girl’s team will play CAIS at 4:00pm on Friday. The game will be at the CAIS gym and everyone is welcome to cheer the team on!



Presidents’ Week Break is Coming: February 18 to 22

As written on our calendar, Kittredge will be closed on Monday, February 18th for Presidents’ Day. Extended Day will be available from Tuesday to Friday if we have 5 or more enrolled.

A Survey Monkey registration form will be emailed home in a couple weeks. Please let us know if your child will use our Extended Day Program during Presidents’ Week so we can plan properly. Thanks for your help with this.



March 28 is our Annual Talent Show

Please mark your calendars now to make sure you can attend this entertaining evening of talent. Once again we have reserved the theater at the JCC on California Street. The show begins at 6:30pm and Extended Day will close at 5:30.

Classrooms are all working with David on their group production. Individual students can audition during class time next month.



Save the Dates

This is a busy time for the KPA and everyone is welcome to help out. Here are the calendar items so you can save the dates.

  1. Next KPA Meeting: Tonight! 6-7pm

  2. Wine Social: January 25

  3. February Meeting: Tuesday, February 12

  4. KPA Dinner and Auction: March 16


A Lot is Going On in the Next Two Weeks…

Tuesday and Wednesday, January 15 and 16

  1. Science with Ms. Rose (if enrolled)

Wednesday, January 16

  1. Girls B-Ball practice at Rochambeau after school

Friday, January 18

  1. Girls B-Ball game vs. CAIS @ 4:00 – CAIS

  2. Pizza Lunch (if ordered)

Monday, January 21

  1. MLK, Jr. Day; School is closed; no classes, no extended day

Tuesday and Wednesday, January 22 and 23

  1. Science with Ms. Rose (if enrolled)

Wednesday, January 23

  1. K/1 class to Randall Museum

  2. Girls B-Ball practice at Rochambeau after school

  3. Boy’s B-Ball game vs. CDS @ Columbia – 4:00pm

Friday, January 25

  1. New Chess Session (if enrolled)

  2. Chicken Strip Lunch (if ordered)




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