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Kittredge Konnection – January 29, 2019


February Habit of Mind: Metacognition (Thinking about Thinking)

If you teach a person WHAT to learn, you are preparing that person for the past. If you teach a person HOW to learn, you are preparing for the future.” Cyril Houle, author

Metacognition is a big word for something most of us do every day without even noticing. We reflect on our own thoughts to gain insight into our feelings, needs, and behaviors.

When kids hit difficult problems — the seemingly insurmountable English essay, a math test that takes on epic proportions, social struggles that leave them feeling frustrated — it can be tempting to give up. In order to make the transition from “I can’t” to “How can I?” students need to think about why they’re stuck, what’s frustrating them, and what they would need to get unstuck. They need to think about their own thinking… metacognition.



Hot Lunch for February

We will be here for only the first 2 Friday lunches this month. Please make sure to turn in your order form by Thursday if your child would like lunch on Friday. You can print out a form here February 2019 or you can get one in the office.


New Science Session with Ms. Rose Begins This Week (Today)

Ms. Rose is offering another wonderful 5 week science adventure. Choose either Tuesdays or Wednesdays and return the registration form to sign up your child. Click here for all the details… Sci Club #4 Jan-Mar 2019


Thank you Catherine and David Kelley

Thank you to Pilar’s parents Catherine and David, for opening the doors of their beautiful house and allowing our community to enjoy the wine social last Friday. It was a wonderful evening of food and drink and the best company around… and there was a generous amount of wine collected for our auction as well!


Thank you Sarah Cherny!

A big thank you to Cerys and Sabina’s mom Sarah, for volunteering to meet with parents at our Kindergarten Play Date last Saturday. Your insight and information was appreciated by all.


Please Remember to Complete Your Online Enrollment to Hold a Space for Next Year

All returning families should have received an email to re-enroll today. If you would like to hold a space for your child next year, please make sure to complete the process by February 9.

The next step of arranging your Tuition Agreement will be sent at the end of February. Thanks for your help with this process.



Wine Wagon – All Next Week – February 4-8, 2019

Rain or shine, Howard and Jennifer Buzick, Holden’s parents, will be at our morning drop off all week to collect wine donations. If you haven’t had the chance to donate wine for the auction, we make it super easy for you! Drop off your child and your vino at the same time! Red, white, bubbly or firewater – we don’t discriminate and welcome it all! Anything you can donate is greatly appreciated and will directly benefit your child. Any questions, or to arrange a private pick-up, please contact



Visitors are in the School

Applicants for next year in grades 1 through 8 are coming in to spend a day in a classroom. Kittredge is designed to have openings for new transfer students in 6th grade and other grades if space is available. Word of mouth has always been our best advertising, so if you know of any families looking for a strong academic yet nurturing environment, please have them call us.


Calling all Talent… Talent Show Auditions Will Begin in February

All students who want to audition for a solo or small group performance at our talent show need to know their act and be ready to perform it in class. Please help your child prepare and please remember that acts can be no longer than 3 minutes. Audition slips must be completed and turned in before your child can audition. David Silverman has already passed out forms or you can print one out here… Talent Show Permission 2019


Valentines Day at Kittredge – February 14

Please remember that if your child is distributing Valentines’ cards in school, he or she should have one for every member of the class. Candy treats will not be allowed to be eaten in classes and should be used minimally, if at all.


Presidents’ Week Break is Coming Soon: February 18 to 22

As written on our calendar, Kittredge will be closed on Monday, February 18th for Presidents’ Day. Extended Day will be available from Tuesday to Friday if we have 5 or more enrolled.

A Survey Monkey registration form will be emailed home next week. Please let us know if your child will use our Extended Day Program during Presidents’ Week so we can plan properly. Thanks for your help with this.


This Week’s Calendar

Tuesday, January 29

  1. Girls B-Ball vs. SFS @ 6:00 – St. Agnes

  2. Science with Ms. Rose – if enrolled

Wednesday, January 30

  1. Girls B-Ball practice at Rochambeau (weather permitting)

  2. Boys B-Ball vs. Live Oak @ 5:00 – UCSF Mission Bay

  3. Science with Ms. Rose – if enrolled

Thursday, January 31

  1. Seventh and eighth grades to Main Library

Friday, February 1

  1. Bagel lunch if ordered (Order form attached today!)

  2. Habit of Mind Assembly

  3. Chess Club after school – if enrolled


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