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Kittredge Konnection – March 15, 2022


COVID Testing Update

Thank you to everyone for continuing to monitor your children and test when symptoms appear. We are no longer asking for weekly tests if your child is healthy, with no symptoms. However, we appreciate you testing for cold and flu symptoms, in order to rule out the possibility of Covid. If you need a test kit, please check with the office to see if one is available. 

President Biden is offering every household a second set of 2 Covid test kits. If you have already received one set, you can order a second set now and if you haven’t ordered any, you can order all 4 kits now. Please use this link to order yours:



Our Second Trimester Ends This Friday, March 18

Grades and assignments for the second trimester on TeacherEase will be completed this week. Our third and final trimester will begin next week. Parent Conferences are March 31 and April 1. Teachers are continuing to arrange conferences so please be on the look-out for their email.


Staff Development Day is also Friday, March 18

No Classes and No Extended Day

There will be no classes on Friday so that our teachers can have a workday to plan for the rest of the year.

We had very little interest in Extended Day, so there will not be Extendo available this Friday.



Preparing for Masks to Come Off

Beginning March 23, 2022 Kittredge will no longer mandate masks be worn indoors. The removal of the mask mandate is a BIG change and will bring its own challenges. The pandemic is not over, and masks are still recommended indoors, although not required.

Because everyone has experienced the pandemic differently and has been impacted by it in different ways, everyone feels differently about mask wearing.

Please encourage your children to respect and accept what their classmates and their teachers are comfortable with as we settle into this new phase of the pandemic.

We encourage everyone to get vaccinated and upload your status for our records. You can update your child’s vaccine status here



March 31 and April 1 Parent Conferences – Noon Dismissal Days

By now, you should have received an invitation for conference sign ups. Please be sure to indicate if you will attend in person or via Zoom and notify your child’s teacher of your preferred conference times. Please notify your child’s teacher if changes need to be made to your schedule.

Also, please remember that school will be dismissed at noon and there will be no Study Hall on conference days.

Extended Day will be open for those who have a signed contract or want per-diem coverage for their child. A Google registration form will be sent next week for Extendo during those minimum days.

Extended Day will also be available to drop off your child while you attend your conference. No appointment/registration is needed for that. Please just make sure to sign them in with an Extendo teacher.



Tdap Vaccine Reminder – Please complete during Spring Break

Kittredge 6th grade students must have a Tdap booster to enter 7th grade in September. Proof of this immunization must be turned in by April 15th. No student will be permitted to attend 7th grade at Kittredge without this immunization update.



Summer At Kittredge

Your child is invited to join our 5-week summer program which is open to all students entering first through eighth grades. Mornings are designed to keep students active and their grade level skills strong. The afternoons offer a variety of free play and structured activities. This program begins June 20 and runs through July 22. The academic day runs 9am-noon. Before and after school care is available. Please see more information and the link to sign up on our website.


Dates to Remember

  1. Friday, March 18: End of Trimester, Faculty in Service, No classes, No Extendo

  2. Thursday, March 31: Mini Day, noon dismissal, conferences

  3. Friday, April 1: Mini Day, noon dismissal, conferences

  4. Saturday, April 2: KPA Social




Saturday, April 2, 2022

Time: 6-8pm

Location: Kittredge School Courtyard

Dear Fellow Kittredge Families & Friends,

I hope to see everyone at the Spring Social event on April 2nd @ 6pm at Kittredge School Courtyard (we’ll be using the indoors – ground floor – as well). If you haven’t already RSVP’d, please do so now:

There will be delicious food, tasty drinks, lovely face-to-face conversation, but that is not all! There will be a raffle drawing at the party!

Announcing the Kittredge Spring Raffle!

Feeling Déjà vu? Well, maybe because our last social/fundraising event in the Fall also included a raffle, organized by our lovely parent volunteer, Tom Vilhauer. The KPA raises money every year to fund student activities at Kittredge including our students in-school computers, school supplies, spring talent show, sports teams, field trips, graduation and even more! Additionally all KPA social events are wholly funded thru donations. Typically the major fundraising event of the year is our auction which happens in the spring and aims to raise $35,000. As you can imagine, the pandemic has made the long-term planning required for an Auction quite impossible this year. Without further ado, let’s welcome in The Spring Raffle!

The Spring Raffle goal is to raise $5,000 in ticket sales that goes directly to the KPA. There are approximately 70 families with students at Kittredge.

If you have extended family or friends who would love to support our school, please pass this notice on to them (many grandparents love our school raffles!

How do I purchase tickets?

Step 1: Decide how many tickets you wish to purchase and complete this google form:

Step 2: Pay your ticket total by making a payment @ You may also leave a check payable to “KPA” with Trudy.

How much do tickets cost?

You can purchase up to four tickets for $5 each or five or more tickets for $4 each. We would love to see the entire school community participate.

What can I win?

GRAND PRIZE: Family Photo Session & Museum-Quality Print

SF’s Schumacher Photography is lending their support to our fundraiser this year, with an eye-catching, heart-melting donation which consists of a weekday photography session (usually at the family’s home or meaningful location) and a museum quality, black & white photograph, signed and matted to 16×20 inches or a $500 print credit. This is valued at $1,645.00. (That’s a lot of $5 tickets, folks!!!).

Voted BEST PHOTOGRAPHER by SF Weekly’s Best of San Francisco. Family photographs, elevated to the level of fine art. Create contemporary, black and white, museum quality photographs for your family and record this moment in time with your children.


– Creative Consultation to get to know one another and tailor an inspiring session that is personal to your family.

– Weekday Photography Session at your home or meaningful location

– A Personalized Presentation to review your images and curate the perfect photographic collection for your home.

– A Museum Quality, Black & White Photograph matted to 16×20 inches or a $500 print credit to be used towards a larger photograph.

See more of Eric’s distinctive family portraits:

SECOND PRIZE: Principal For a Day!

Who’s the Boss?

Join a time-honored tradition: your child will have the opportunity to be the principal of Kittredge School for a day. From opening car doors and greeting students first thing in the morning, to updating our school voicemail with important information, a principal’s job is never done. Classroom observations and teacher meetings are almost as important as the full business lunch that is included. Your child could be the next Kittredge Principal! This is a much-loved event here that we can guarantee you your child will delight in winning.

More fun prizes to win:

– $100 Wine Package

– $100 gift certificate to Greens Restaurant

– $75 Sake/Food Package

– $75 gift certificate to Burma Cafe

– $75 gift certificate to Joe’s Ice-Cream

It’s also not too late to sign-up to host a Count-Me-In!

Count-Me-Ins Sign-up Form:

What is a Count-Me-In?

Count Me Ins are a great way to foster community, build connections, have fun together, and help support Kittredge! Hosts offer up events, and participants sign up for them. Each event raises money for the KPA by having a fixed, modest donation attached.

Do you love building cool structures on the beach out of driftwood and would be willing to invite friends to join? Do you have a favorite hobby, like painting, and could teach a small group of people? Do you love bakeries, and want to give a tour of your favorite ones? It can be just about anything! Parents, kids, and teachers are all welcome to host one and it can be as small or as big as you would like.

Thank you!

Jessica May-Shah (Social Chair, parent of Momo-Kinder and Lila-4th)

Email/text/chat with any questions:

See you @ the Social!

Jessica May-Shah

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