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Kittredge Konnection – March 21, 2017

Tdap Vaccine Reminder

The state of California requires a Tdap vaccine for all students to be able to enter 7th grade in September. All students entering 7th grade at Kittredge must turn in proof of this immunization by April 15th. If your child still needs the vaccine, please schedule it during Spring Break. If he or she already has it, please have your doctor send us the immunization record. Thank you.


Noon Dismissal Thursday and Friday for Parent Teacher Conferences

Extended Day is available by Registration

Please respond to the dismissal survey monkey link so we know where your child should go at noon on Thursday and Friday.

Please remember that eighth grade students are asked to attend their conference with Mr. Young and all other students can be signed-in to Extendo during your meeting at no charge.


Student Council Bake Sale is Thursday

Our 7th grade class will host a Bake Sale to support Guide Dogs for the Blind on Thursday at snack/recess time. A donation will be accepted as students enter for their treats.

If you would like to help, please send your child to school with a dollar or two or more on Thursday. There will be treats available for parents when they attend their conference.


The Kittredge School Talent Show is next Wednesday, March 29 at 6:30

***Important: No Study Hall; Extendo will close at 5:00***

Please join us at Kanbar Hall in the JCCSF for a great time! The doors to Kanbar Hall will be open at 6:00, but no food or drink can be brought inside. Please make sure that you are there by 6:15 so you don’t miss a minute of this wonderful evening.

The atrium is reserved for us from 5:30 to 6:15 and there will be some coffee, light snacks and waters available at that time, thank you KPA!

By now, all parents should know what their child is being asked to wear for their class production. Please check with your child or with us if you need information.


Summer at Kittredge – June 19 to July 21

Summer is a great opportunity to engage children in activities that enrich their academic foundation and keep them involved and interested in learning.

Our 5-week summer program is open to students entering first through eighth grades. Mornings are designed to keep students active and their grade level skills strong. The afternoons offer a variety of free play and structured activities. If you are interested, please return an enrollment form to reserve a space for your child. Applications are available in the office or you can download one from our website.


Habit of Mind for March – Taking Responsible Risks

“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.” ~ Mark Twain

Responsible risk takers do not behave impulsively. Their risks are educated. They draw on past knowledge, are thoughtful about consequences and have a strong sense of what is appropriate. They also know that all risks are not worth taking.

» KPA Korner

Special Speaker on Children and Media Use

Tuesday, April 4th, at 6 p.m.

The KPA has invited Mary G. Burke, MD, to speak and lead a discussion on media use and children. She is an expert in the neurological and behavioral effects of screen use by children and adolescents. Dr. Burke is associate clinical professor in the department of child and adolescent psychiatry at the University of California, San Francisco, and coordinator, Pediatric Mental Health and the Environment, Pediatric Environmental Health Specialty Unit, University of California, San Francisco.

Please join us to learn more. She will help us understand the benefits of screen-free week that Kittredge engages in each spring. Thank you to Anna Semina for suggesting the speaker and facilitating the event. More details will follow.


The Next Two Weeks…

Tuesday, March 21(today)

  1. Science Club

Wednesday, March 22

  1. Science Club

  2. Futsal Practice @ Rochambeau

Thursday, March 23

  1. Minimum Day Dismissal

  2. Parent Conferences

  3. Bake Sale!

Friday, March 24

  1. Minimum Day Dismissal

  2. Parent Conferences

Monday, March 27

  1. Futsal practice @ Hi 5

Tuesday, March 28

  1. Science Club

Wednesday, March 29

  1. Science Club

  2. Futsal Practice @ Rochambeau


  4. Extended Day closes at 5pm

Friday, March 31

  1. Chicken Strips Lunch (if ordered)

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