Thank You KPA!
The faculty and staff want to take this opportunity to thank the Kittredge Parents’ Association for their positive spirit and tremendous backing throughout the year. The good vibes and fun time at the Dinner and Auction last Saturday night showed just how much support we receive from the entire school community.
The KPA supports many of our special events (first day coffee, Holiday Happening, Talent Show, and graduation). They also purchase much of our technology and sports equipment, as well as fund classroom field trips. All of this makes Kittredge School a better place for teachers to teach and students to learn.
We want to thank each and every parent, friend and relative for attending and making the party so much fun. The KPA leadership and the Auction/Dinner volunteers outdid themselves this year. Please give them all a hand!
Habit of Mind for May/June: Thinking Flexibly
“If you never change your mind, why have one?” ~Edward deBono
Look at things another way! Successful people are able to change perspectives, generate alternatives, and consider new options.
“Do not go where the path may lead, go instead where there is no path and leave a trail.” ~Ralph Waldo Emerson
Screen Free Week Ice Cream Celebration Tomorrow, Wednesday May 2
We hope to celebrate tomorrow with lots of students and lots of ice cream. A parent confirmation of your child’s completion of 7 screen free days must be returned by tomorrow.
E.R.B. Testing Is Next Week for 3rdto 8thGraders
Please make sure your child is well rested, has a healthy breakfast and is at school on time for these standardized tests. Homework will be lighter than usual.
The Talent Show is on a Flash Drive this Year
A copy of this year’s wonderful Talent Show is available to purchase. If you have already purchased one online, your children have received it. If anyone else would like to order one, please send in the payment and your name and we will download more. The cost is $20.00… quite a bargain and all proceeds go the KPA. Thank you Mr. Young!
Another Chance for Kittredge Gear is Coming Soon!
Once again, Ms. Gules is working with BSN Sports to open a Kittredge School Pop-Up store.
We will send home a link with dates and details next week. With summer break just around the corner, orders will be able to be mailed directly to your home address.
Don’t forget that everyone looks great in Kittredge gear and showing their Kittredge pride!
Seventh Grade Parent High School Information Night – May 10 @ 6:00pm
All parents of 7thgraders are invited (and strongly encouraged) to meet with Mr. Young to hear about the admissions process for High School. Now is a great time to begin organizing your calendar with dates and details so there will be less stress in the Fall! Students will have a lot of support next year so this meeting is for parents only.
Teacher Development Day – May 18th
Friday, May 18, is a scheduled workday for teachers so there will be no classes in session. With a minimum of 5 students, Extended Day will be open during the hours of 8:00am to 6:00pm and available for per diem drop in students ($50/day). There will be no charge for those with an Extended Day contract.
There will be a Survey Monkey form for parents to fill out so we can plan for Extended Day staffing. Thank you all in advance!
There is Still Some Space Available in Summer School
Our 5-week program begins on June 18 and goes until July 20. Mornings are designed to keep students active and their grade level skills strong. The afternoons offer a variety of free play and structured activities. If you are interested, applications are available in the office or you can download one from our website.
Some space is still available for students who are entering 1stgrade through 8thgrade.
Planning for Next Year?
Our first day of school will be Wednesday, August 29. A complete calendar will be available after our Staff Development Day.
KPA Korner
Student Art Pieces
Update by Thalia Kent
In case you missed the auction, you can still purchase your child’s work of art! Not only are the photos phenomenal (thank you Ms. Perkins) but the “I Left My Heart in San Francisco” themed mats are real masterpieces (thank you Ms. Gules)! You may purchase and pay online $49 ( or give Trudy a check for $49 made payable to the KPA. Pictures and frames will be at school for a couple weeks. Stop by to look!
Also, if you have already paid for your photo, Trudy will have it at school for pick up. Thank you for supporting the KPA! You can contact me with any questions at:
Calling All Vases and Name Tags
Update by Kristen Vilhauer
Thank you all for making the auction a terrific success and a lot of fun! Once you’ve enjoyed the flowers from the auction, please bring the vase back to Kittredge. And we’d love your nametag, too!
No Spring Fever at Kittredge!
May/June Dates to Remember
May 1 and 2:Science Club
May 2: Screen Free Party!
May 3:6thgrade sleepover
May 4:Chicken strips (if ordered); Chess Club
May 7 to 10: ERB testing for 3rdto 8thgrades
May 8: KPA Meeting – Last one!
May 8 and 9:Science Club
May 10: Culture Day; 7thgrade parents High School Information Night
May 11: Pizza Lunch – Last Hot Lunch of the year! (if ordered); Last Chess Club for the year
May 15 and 16: Science Club
May 16: 7thand 8thgrades to Giants game
May 17: No Study Hall or Homework
May 18: No Classes; Staff Development/Work Day
May 24: Last day of Study Hall; Pajama Day
May 25: Beach Clean Up and Barbecue
May 28: No School – Memorial Day
May 29 and 30:Last Science Club classes
May 30: K/1 Pocket Bears w/Grandma L; Sports Banquet 5:30 (Info to follow)
May 31: Yearbook signing
June 1: Field Day
June 4: K/1 and 2/3 Graduations
June 5: 8thGrade Graduation
June 6: Minimum Day; Faculty Appreciation Lunch
June 7: Minimum Day; Last Day of School!
Go Warriors!