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Kittredge Konnection – May 17, 2022



7th Grade Parents’ High School Information Night – Tonight @ 6:00pm

All parents of 7th graders are invited (and strongly encouraged) to meet with Mr. Young to hear about the admissions process for High School. Now is a great time to begin organizing your calendar with dates and details so there will be less stress in the Fall! Students will have a lot of support next year so this meeting is for parents only.



Sports Banquet – May 19

Families with student athletes who joined a Kittredge team, have received information about our Sports Banquet. Please respond and let us know who can attend.



May 23: Talent Show, Talent Show, Talent Show

Where: 25 John F. Shelley Drive

This address will be the closest parking lot that has an entrance to the Jerry Garcia Amphitheater. Please allow time to get there. There is also street parking.

When: Showtime is 3pm; Please arrive 15 minutes early

Students should have a snack, water and use the restroom before showtime. Students will sit in front with their classes and all guests will sit behind. There will be some snacks after the show.

Other info: Students will have a 12pm dismissal and no after school programs are available.

This allows time for families to join us for the start of the show. If you anticipate your child being absent from this event for any reason, please notify the school in advance. It should be a fun afternoon. You won’t want to miss it!


Kittredge Talent Show — What to Wear

Classes are getting ready for the talent show and what to wear is listed by class below. Students should not need to purchase anything special to wear to the show. Students can dress in any combination of their class colors or in just one of their class colors. It’s okay to borrow clothing from a friend or family member.

K/1 — brown, white, or red clothes.

2/3 — green, purple, or yellow clothes

4/5 — black/white

6 — vibrant colorful clothes, dressed up for a party

7 — narrators wear black; bufandas wear blue/green; pharmacists wear white, restaurant characters and items wear black/white

8 — black/white or vivid colors


May 25 – Last Day of Study Hall

Please note that the Study Hall part of our after school program is over on Wednesday, May 25th. After that time, there will be no homework (or very little) and only Extended Day will be available.


Beach Clean-Up – May 26

The whole school will go to Baker Beach for a picnic and clean-up and lots of fun! We will leave school about 10am and return about 2:45. We will provide all the barbecue and eating utensils. Each class will bring an item to share.

K/1: Chips – 2 bags

2/3: Drinks (Three 2-liter bottles of juice or water no caffeine!)

4/5: Hot dogs, veggie dogs and buns 1-2 packs of each

6th: Cookies 1-2 bags of each

7th and 8th: salads or side dish…enough for 7


Teacher Development Day – May 27

Friday, May 27, is a scheduled workday for teachers so there will be no classes in session.



There is Still Some Space Available in Summer School

Our 5-week program begins on June 20 and goes until July 22. Mornings are designed to keep students active and their grade level skills strong. The afternoons offer a variety of free play and structured activities. If you are interested, you can sign up here:

Some space is still available for students who are entering 1st grade through 8th grade.



May and June Calendar

May 17: High School Info Night for 7th grade parents

May 18: 2nd/3rd grade writing celebration

May 19: Sports Banquet

May 23: School Closes at Noon; Talent Show at 3pm

May 25: Last Day of Study Hall

May 26: Whole School Beach Clean-Up

May 27: No School – Staff Work Day

May 30: No School – Memorial Day

June 1: 4th grade to Presidio; 5th grade to Angel Island

June 2: 7th grade to Legion of Honor; 8th grade paddle boarding/mini golf

June 3: Field Day

June 4: New Kindie welcome; KPA end of year picnic at Rochambeau

June 6: K/1 graduation

June 7: 8th grade graduation

June 8: Minimum Day; step up day; 2nd/3rd graduation

June 9: Minimum Day; last day of school

August 29: First Day for the 2022-2023 School Year

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