5th grade had a blast at Angel Island last week!
This Week’s News
No Classes This Friday – Last Call for Extendo!
There will be no classes on Friday, May 26th.
If your child would like to attend extended day, please sign up no later than 6pm today using the following Google form. A minimum of 5 students total are required:
If you do not have an extended day contract, the drop in fee for the day is $60. Please contact the office with any questions.
Last Study Hall Tomorrow
Tomorrow, May 24, is the last Study Hall of the school year. After-school care will be offered for the remainder of the school year. If you have a contract for Study Hall only, you can arrange for extended day drop in for $30/afternoon by emailing or calling our office.
Kittredge Hits the Beach
The annual Beach Clean-up is almost here! This Thursday, May 25, Kittredge students and teachers will work together to clean up on of our favorite places, Baker Beach.
This year, we are asking that families help us to reduce single-use plastic waste being brought to the beach by bringing foods for our picnic in a reusable container. Please remember to label these reusable containers with your name to take home after the picnic! Parents are invited to join at noon for the picnic portion of the event.
The food assignments for each grade are:
K/1 – Chips (2 bags per student)
2/3 – Fruit (Bag of oranges, apples, grapes, etc. per student)
4 – Compostable cutlery (enough to serve 20 people per student)
5 – Allergen-friendly dishes (Nut-free, dairy-free, or gluten-free, one per student)
6 – Cookies (1-2 bags per student. Please consider a nut-free option)
7 – Drinks (1 gallon of water or 2 liters of juice or lemonade per student – no soda)
8 – Salads/Sides (1 dish per student)
Next Week’s News
Memorial Day – School Closed
As a reminder, Kittredge will be closed on Monday, May 29 in observation of Memorial Day. Enjoy the free time and the sunshine!
Let the Games Begin!
May is wrapping up and although we can’t believe it, the Kittredge School Field Day is right around the corner. Next Friday, June 2, we will gather in Golden Gate Park at Hellman Hollow for games, games, games!
Kittredge students and faculty will all be assigned to a team, and are encouraged to dress up in their team color. Students will be given a Field Day t-shirt to wear, but should incorporate their team color in other ways: pants, jackets, sweatbands, bandanas, and even wigs! We’ll be on the lookout for the most spirited team.
At Field Day, we will be celebrating Holi, known as the “festival of colors” because it celebrates spring. Students will be using organic colored powder to decorate each other, so you can expect a messy, colorful, happy kid at pickup.
KPA Korner
KPA Kittredge End of Year Picnic
Saturday, June 3rd
Rochambeau Playground
Look at your Inbox for RSVP and more details from the KPA!
Teacher Luncheon
Wednesday, June 7th
Help our teachers truly relax with a kid-free luncheon!
Click our link here to sign up to bring food and/or volunteer for day-of roles.
Riva Gokhale: rivar924@gmail.com
Katherine Burton: katawin@yahoo.com
Important Dates
Wednesday, May 24 – Last Day of Study Hall
Thursday, May 25 – Beach Clean-Up and Picnic
Friday, May 26 – School Closed – Teacher Development Day
Monday, May 29 – School Closed – Memorial Day
Wednesday, May 31 – Yearbook-Signing Party at 1:30
Friday, June 2 – Field Day
Monday, June 5 – K/1 Graduation
Tuesday, June 6 – 8th Grade Graduation
Wednesday, June 7 – 2/3/4 Graduation
Wednesday, June 7 – Minimum Day – Teacher Work Day
Thursday, June 8 – Minimum Day – Last Day of School
Tuesday, June 20-Friday, July 21 – Kittredge Summer Program