Teacher appreciation is often felt here at Kittredge, but Teacher Appreciation Week has been even more special. The week began with a mountain of sandwiches, wraps and salads brought to us. The food, along with flowers for the front office have added to the support we feel. I can personally attest to how thankful everyone has been. The extra time each morning of not planning lunch, is a gift in itself.
Added to that, we’ve been told to expect a pastry breakfast on Friday… what a great week! Thank you for all the love and support, it is felt by us all.
Habit of Mind for May: Thinking Flexibly
“If you never change your mind, why have one?” ~Edward deBono
Look at things another way! Successful people are able to change perspectives, generate alternatives, and consider new options.
“Do not go where the path may lead, go instead where there is no path and leave a trail.”
~Ralph Waldo Emerson
Screen Free Week – May 2 to May 9
Congratulations to those of you who are joining this screen-free challenge! This is a great time to rediscover board games, toss a football, start a puzzle, and cozy up to a good book!
The goal is to replace electronics with other options for entertainment. Electronics may still be used for school assignments, research and communication as usual. Phone calls and letters should be used instead of casual texting and social media. Screen free week began yesterday and runs though May 9.
We will host an ice cream celebration on Friday, May 13 for students who go screen-free for all 7 days. Next Tuesday, when screen-free week is over, there will be a confirmation form in the Konnection for parents to notify us if their child completed this challenge.
Decade Day is Next Wednesday, May 11
Next Wednesday we will all be wondering what year it is! From groovy bell-bottoms to radical tie-dye, students will take a journey through the decades.
Choose a decade and dress up on May 11. We can’t wait to see our kids dressed up in a decade from the past!
Seventh Grade Parent High School Information Night – May 17 @ 6:00pm
All parents of 7th graders are invited (and strongly encouraged) to meet with Mr. Young to hear about the admissions process for High School. Now is a great time to begin organizing your calendar with dates and details so there will be less stress in the Fall! Students will have a lot of support next year so this meeting is for parents only.
Sports Banquet – May 19
Families with student athletes who joined a Kittredge team, have received information about our Sports Banquet. Please respond and let Coach Gules know who can attend.
May 23 – Kittredge Talent Show
Noon Dismissal – No After School Care
Please mark your calendar for May 23 at 3pm. The Kittredge talent show will be at the Jerry Garcia Amphitheater in McLaren Park. Students will have a 12pm dismissal on May 23 allowing time for families to join us for class and individual acts. If you anticipate your child being absent from this event for any reason, please notify the school in advance. It should be a fun afternoon. You won’t want to miss it!
May 25 – Last Day of Study Hall
Please note that the Study Hall part of our after school program is over on Wednesday, May 25th. After that time, there will be no homework (or very little) and only Extended Day will be available.
Beach Clean-Up – May 26
The whole school will go to Baker Beach for a picnic and clean-up and lots of fun! Details will follow, but mark your calendars for Thursday, May 26.
Teacher Development Day – May 27
Friday, May 27, is a scheduled workday for teachers so there will be no classes in session.
There is Still Some Space Available in Summer School
Our 5-week program begins on June 20 and goes until July 22. Mornings are designed to keep students active and their grade level skills strong. The afternoons offer a variety of free play and structured activities. If you are interested, you can sign up here:
Some space is still available for students who are entering 1st grade through 8th grade.
Planning for Next Year?
Our first day of school will be Monday, August 29.