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Kittredge Konnection — November 10, 2015

KPA Meeting Tonight!

Please join us for the November meeting from 6 to 7pm. As always, childcare and a pizza snack will be provided for Kittredge students.


Kittredge Volleyball Team Made the Playoffs (again)… First Playoff Game is Today!

The Kittredge Volleyball Team had a very exciting season and finished 4th in their division. The playoffs start today with a game at 4pm at SF Friends School. If we win, the Finals will be on Friday at 5pm at SF Friends School.

We are very proud of the teamwork, sportsmanship and support of each other that our team demonstrated throughout the season. Go Kittredge!


Yosemite Institute Information Night for all 7th & 8th Grade Families, Next Wednesday

Wednesday, November 18 at 6:00 all 7th and 8th grade families will meet to learn about the outdoor education program at Yosemite Institute.

This meeting will set the tone and go over details to ensure a positive and successful week of outdoor education. We will talk about the academic requirements, behavioral expectations and the importance of team building. You will hear/see what a typical day at Y. I. will be like, and will be able to ask questions and address any concerns you have as a student, parent or family.

This is a very important meeting for first time participants but helpful for everyone. Please call the school if you cannot attend.


School-Wide Field Trip Tuesday, November 24

Tuesday, November 24th, the entire school will visit the Academy of Sciences for a day of fun and learning. Students will spend time with their big buddies and their classmates enjoying the exhibits. After lunch, each class will head back to Kittredge with their teachers. If you have volunteered to chaperone and have a membership, please let your child’s teacher know.

On both Monday and Tuesday the 23rd and 24th, there will be no Study Hall. Study Hall students will be dismissed at 3 to go home or to join Extendo and be picked up at 4:30.


Cross Country Finals – Tomorrow at 3:30

The Running Gags, our cross-country team, finished their season last week. All runners who participated in at least two races are eligible to run in the Finals tomorrow. The race will begin at 3:30 in Hellman Hollow. There will be a pizza celebration afterwards at Kittredge for the runners and their families. Go Gags Go!


Thanksgiving Holiday Break

No Classes Wednesday, November 25; Extendo Available Until 5pm

Please remember there will be no classes on Wednesday, November 25, however Extended Day will be available from 8am until 5pm for 5 or more students.

A Survey Monkey link was emailed last Friday and there are still some families we are hoping to hear from before November 20th when the survey is over. As always, there is no charge for Extended Day if you have a contract and there is a $40 charge for drop-ins.

Please note that we will close at 5pm so that everyone can begin his or her holiday.


KPA Korner…

See’s Chocolate Fund Raiser… Get your Holiday Shopping Done the Easy Way

A note from Emily Wells, Chair

Back by popular demand the KPA is sponsoring this holiday fundraiser again this year. We chose See’s because of its fine reputation for quality.

Since all of the students will benefit from our fundraiser, we would greatly appreciate everyone’s cooperation. So please, help your child by taking orders from friends, relatives, neighbors and co-workers.

Please remember the sale ends November 18 (All orders and money must be turned in.) Candy will be available for delivery to your customers, the second week of December.

Thank you for helping to make our fundraiser a BIG success!

Please remember that all orders must be accompanied by a check made out to the Kittredge Parents Association (KPA).


Looking Ahead at the Calendar…

The holiday season is beginning and there are many special days in the next two months… this includes no school days, early dismissal days, no study hall days, as well as field trip and spirit days. Please note the following special days on your calendar so you don’t miss anything:

  1. Today: KPA meeting

  2. Today: Volleyball Playoffs @ SF Friends at 4pm

  3. November 18: Yosemite Information Night for 7th and 8th grades

  4. November 19: Open House for Prospective Parents

  5. November 23: K to 3rd Thanksgiving Feast; No Study Hall

  6. November 24: Whole school Academy of Sciences field trip; No Study Hall; End of Trimester

  7. November 25: No school, Extended Day is available from 8am until 5pm for 5 or more

  8. November 26 & 27: Kittredge will be closed for Thanksgiving Break

  9. December 2: Pajama Day!

  10. December 10 & 11: Noon dismissal for Parent Conferences – No Study Hall (Extendo until 6)

  11. December 17: No Study Hall; Extendo closes at 5 so we can prepare for the Holiday Happening

  12. December 17: Holiday Happening from 6:30 to 8:00

  13. December 18: Noon dismissal – Winter Break begins (Extendo Open 12 to 6)

  14. December 21 to January 1: Kittredge will be closed for two weeks. No Extendo.


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