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Kittredge Konnection – November 10, 2020



Kittredge Gear Available Now

With the holidays approaching, we have found a new pop-up store for the latest in Kittredge gear. There are many colors and items available from sweat shirts, joggers and t-shirts, to face masks, socks and mugs… and more! Thank you Ms. Gules for your research and for setting this all up!



Thank you for a Great Assembly – R.E.S.P.E.C.T.

Last Friday, during our Character Counts Assembly, our amazing Student Council (with some guidance from Ms. Pon-Barry and Ms. Gules) led a wonderful school wide activity.

Our current Character Counts Pillar is Respect, and break out rooms were arranged so that students could work together with a Student Council Rep, and create an acrostic poem using the letters R.E.S.P.E.C.T. The variety of words and phrases were endless, and a unique poem emerged from each break out group.

Afterwards we got back together to share our poems and appreciate each other in our Spirit Day attire.

Please don’t miss the completed poems at the end of this Konnection!


Speaking of Respect – Thank you Kyle, Anna and Tracie

Earlier today Mr. L and Trudy had the good fortune to meet with some KPA reps to discuss parent ideas and input regarding re-opening for in person learning. It was very informative and helpful and we thank you all for your thoughtfulness.



Our First Trimester Ends November 20

Please remember that the first trimester will end in less than 2 weeks. Parents can check their child’s progress on Google Classroom and/or TeacherEase (depending on the subject and teacher). Please feel free to contact teachers with any questions.


Thanksgiving Holiday Break – November 23 to 27

As written on our school calendar, please remember there will be no classes during the week of Thanksgiving. We look forward to meeting up again after the break.



Name That Teacher

This Week – The Kittredge Teacher is: Mr. L.; Kevin or Mr. Young

Last Week – The Kittredge Teacher was: Ms. Gules; Ms. Rose; Mrs. Horrocks; or Sian — Answer: Mrs. Horrocks


Acrostic Poems From Our Amazing Students

Ben’s Room



S-Silence, Sharing

P-Patience, Participation, Politeness

E-Eagerness, Education

C-Caring, Community, Concentration, Cheerfulness

T-Timeliness, Trust, Truthfulness


Charlotte’s Room

R- really aware, responsibility

E- empathy esteem

S- safety

P- patience

E- Engaged

C- caring, compassionate

T- tolerance


Pilar’s Room

R- remembering manners

E- etiquette

S- stay on mute

P- politeness

E- empathy

C- caring, considerateness

T- tolerance


Saphina’s Room

R- Raise your hand

E- Everyone takes their turn

S- Shouting is disrespectful

P- Please and thank you

E- Everyone gets included

C- Caring for each other

T- Teamwork


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