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Kittredge Konnection - November 19, 2024

Updated: Nov 19, 2024

This Week's News

Mission Field Trip

Our sixth graders had a wonderful time checking out murals, eating burritos, and visiting the cultural center on their field trip to the Mission last Friday.

Celebration of Learning

Thank you to Ms. Horrocks for hosting an amazing first Celebration of Learning of the school year! Students in the 2/3 classroom proudly presented their ecosystem projects, and parents and family members had a great time seeing their children's hard work! We're very proud of our second and third graders!

Yosemite Meeting TONIGHT!

Parents of 7th and 8th graders, as well as 7th and 8th graders themselves, are encouraged to attend an information meeting tonight from 6:30-7:30pm. This meeting is in-person only, and we look forward to seeing you there!

Academy of Sciences

Our annual school-wide trip to the Academy of Sciences is this Thursday.

It looks like it's going to rain, and we can't think of a better rainy day activity than exploring a museum! Please remember to send students to school in appropriate clothing, and with a packed lunch.

Mini Day November 22 - Extended Day Available

This Friday is a minimum day with a 12pm dismissal. If you would like your child to attend extended day at 12pm, please sign up here.

Thanksgiving Break

Just like that, it's here! We will be closed all next week, and will return on Monday, December 2nd. Happy Thanksgiving, Kittredge! We sure are grateful for all of you.

Hot Lunch

No hot lunch this Friday, but December is just around the corner!

Hot lunch on December 6 will be cheese pizza, carrots, a clementine, and a juice box. You can sign up here.

Looking Ahead

Missed Picture Day? No Problem!

Picture Day re-takes will be Friday, December 13.

Be on the lookout for an email from MugsyClicks with your child's photos!

SF Youth Chorus Choir Demo

Travel Plans for the Holidays?

Planning a trip? Please be sure to let the office and your child's teacher know as soon as possible so that we can get anything necessary ready before your child's departure!

KPA Korner

Save the Date and Volunteer for the Holiday Happening

We're looking forward to a festive night of food, festivities and family fun at Kittredge on Thursday, 12/19. Thanks to everyone who has already signed up to help. We're looking for additional volunteers for decorating and games, and the sign-up sheet is open for volunteers to help make this a great evening for the kids. It's one of the most popular events, so don't miss out!

Corporate Matching: Double Your Impact!

Don't forget to submit your receipts from the Fall Fundraiser to have your company match your donations! Learn more about corporate matching and other ways to support Kittredge before the year-end.

Count-Me-Ins in November and December

A few spots remain in the Holiday Painting Party CMI this Friday...Plus, have a fun adult night out on 12/14 with Van and  Ms. Mara at the "A Night of Mystery and Murder" CMI. Sign up today!



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