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Kittredge Konnection – November 27, 2018


Kittredge Shines Again!

A thank you note from Pete Lavaroni, Principal

Our students and teachers did a remarkable job of holding it together the many days that they were stuck inside due to the unsafe air. The families/parents stepped up tremendously when coming to school was no longer safe or possible for their kids. Thank you all because you are truly the best!


KPA Meeting Tonight – November 27

All parents are invited and encouraged to attend the KPA meeting from 6 to 7pm. Details about the Holiday Happening and other KPA sponsored events will be discussed.


Thank you Hakkinen Family

A big thank you to Tracy and Jay (parents of Niko and Ollie) for your time and energy volunteering at the Clarendon School Fair. Our best advertising is word of mouth and we thank you for sharing information about Kittredge to families there.



See’s Candy Fundraiser… Deadline Extended to Wednesday, November 28th

Michelle Osborne, See’s Chair

I will be placing our order with See’s on Wednesday evening, so there is still time to return your order form! Please have them dropped off with Pete or Trudy before 3 PM tomorrow. All forms must be accompanied by cash or checks made out to the Kittredge Parent Association (KPA).

Thank you to all who have returned your orders! It’s very much appreciated and all of our children benefit from this fundraiser! Candy will be available for pick up from your children’s classroom no later than Monday, December 17.

If you need your candy as soon as it comes in please reach out and I’ll pack it up first. If you have any questions, feel free to email me at or text me at 415-519-0513. Thanks again, for supporting our amazing school!


Weather Permitting the 7th and 8th Grades Will Hike This Thursday

Hopefully on Thursday our 7th and 8th graders will spend the day hiking along the coast to Land’s End and then down to Ocean Beach. After a lunch break they will hike back. This day helps prepare them for next week in Yosemite Park and is the perfect time to break in hiking shoes.

Please make sure your children have hearty lunches to help them through this busy day.


2nd and 3rd Grade Writing Celebration on Friday at 2pm

All 2nd and 3rd grade parents are invited to join and celebrate the completion of their child’s writing. Each student will have a chance to share their finished story with the class and any parents who can make it.


Friday is the End of the 1st Trimester

Please note that we have completed one third of the school year and we are looking forward to parent conferences in December. Please remember you can always check on your child’s progress and assignments on TeacherEase.



NatureBridge: December 2 to 7

On Sunday our 7th and 8th graders will head over to Yosemite National Park for a very memorable outdoor education and bonding experience. We will be sending out our wishes for good weather!

Their bus will be here by 9:45 for a 10am departure. Please have your children at school at 9:40.


The 6th Grade Invention Convention – December 5

Students have been using many of the Habits of Mind (thinking flexibly, being creative, taking responsible risks, gathering data and persevering – to name a few) in order to produce a new invention. They will share their original creation next Wednesday. Sixth grade parents are invited to stop in and see the displays at 2:15.


Thanksgiving Feast… Take 2

The K/1 and the 2/3 classes have rescheduled their feast for Friday, December 7 at 11:30. Teachers are sending home the details.


No Hot Lunch next Friday, December 7

Because this is the only Friday for lunches in December, we will skip the entire month and be back in January with lunches to order.



Pajama Day is Coming on December 11

Everybody’s most comfortable spirit day is right around the corner. On Tuesday, December 11 we will all enjoy a day of school in our favorite PJs, slippers and robes. Please help your child join in on the fun.


Parent Conferences – Thursday and Friday, December 13 and 14

Thank you to everyone for returning your conference forms. If you still need one, you can print one here. December Sign up Please remember there are more times open the earlier you turn in your request. Thanks for your help.

Next week your children will bring home a confirmation of the day and time of your appointment next week. We look forward to seeing you all then!

Conference days are minimum day dismissals. There will be a Survey Monkey dismissal form emailed home next week so you can let us know where to dismiss your child at Noon on parent-conference days.


Let’s Not Forget Others… Food Drive is in Progress

Please celebrate the holiday spirit by helping those less fortunate.

This time of year there are many ways to help and care for those less fortunate than we are. The San Francisco Rescue Mission has dropped off a food collection barrel in the office.

Canned foods, cereals, rice, pastas and paper goods would be appreciated. Thanks in advance!


December/January Calendar

There is a lot going on in the next 4 weeks… please mark your calendar so you don’t miss anything!

  1. Tuesday, November 27: Science Club (last class of session); KPA meeting

  2. Wednesday, November 28: Science Club (Last class of session

  3. Thursday, November 29: Hike for 7th and 8th grades – weather permitting!

  4. Friday, November 30: Writing celebration for 2/3; Pizza Lunch if ordered; Chess Club; End of First Trimester

  5. Wednesday, December 5: 6th grade invention convention

  6. Friday, December 7: K/1 and 2/3 Thanksgiving Feast; 7th and 8th return from Yosemite @5

  7. Tuesday, December 11: Pajama Day

  8. Thursday & Friday, December 13 & 14: Noon dismissal for Parent Conferences – No Study Hall (Extendo until 6)

  9. Thursday, December 20: No Study Hall; Extendo closes at 5 so we can prepare for the Holiday Happening

  10. Thursday, December 20: Holiday Happening from 6:30 to 8:00

  11. Friday, December 21 to Friday, January 4: Kittredge will be closed. No Extendo.

  12. Monday, January 7: First day of 2019


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