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Kittredge Konnection – November 29, 2022

This Week’s News

Hot Lunch

This Friday is the only Hot Lunch of the month! If you would like to order a bagel and cream cheese for your child on Friday, December 2, be sure to fill out the order form by end of day Wednesday, November 30.

Next Week’s News

Student Council

It’s that time again already! Students interested in running for student council should gather signatures from parents and teachers, and submit their permission slip to the office in preparation for the upcoming election.

Speeches will be given and ballots will be cast at the school-wide assembly on Wednesday, December 7.

Basketball Begins

The first game for the Boys Basketball team is next Monday, December 5 at 4:30. This game against Synergy will be played at the Upper Noe Rec Center.

Animal Day

Were you looking for an opportunity to catch our 2/3/4 Purrmaids again? You’ve got it! This spirit day is your child’s excuse to go wild! From adorable puppies to fantastical dragons, animals are sure to be found at Kittredge on Wednesday, December 7. It’s a day you pawsitively won’t want to miss.


Get ready to hear about all of the exciting things your kids have learned in our first trimester!

By now, you should have received an invitation from your child’s teacher to schedule a conference on Thursday, December 8 or Friday, December 9.

Both Thursday and Friday will be early dismissal (12pm) days, and conferences will run from 12:30pm to 5pm. Students should still bring a snack to school for morning recess.

Parents may drop off their child to Extendo for 30 minutes during their conference at no cost. Extendo is also available for drop-in from 12pm-6pm for a $40 fee.

Please use the Google form found in the Konnection email to indicate if your child will be leaving school at 12pm, or attending Extendo.

Looking Ahead

No Study Hall, Extended Day Closes at 5 on Thursday, December 15 for the Holiday Happening

There will be NO Study Hall and NO Homework on Thursday, December 15, and Extended Day will close at 5pm, as we will be setting up for the Holiday Happening. We hope to see you at the Holiday Happening, which begins at 6:30pm on December 15.

Pajama Day

Show up to Kittredge in your comfiest jammies because Friday, December 16 is Pajama Day! On this spirit day, the cozier you are, the better.

Slippers are welcome, but students must be sure to bring a pair of appropriate shoes for PE.

Important Dates

Monday, December 5 – Boys Basketball vs. Synergy at 4:30

Wednesday, December 7 – Animal Day, Student Council Election

Thursday, December 8-Friday December 9 – Conferences, Noon Dismissal

Wednesday, December 14 – Boys Basketball vs. KIPP Bayview at 5:15

Thursday, December 15 – Holiday Happening from 6:30-8

Friday, December 16 – Pajama Day, Noon Dismissal

December 17-January 2 – Winter Break, School Closed

Community Announcements

Holiday Happening – Thursday, December 15 from 6:30pm – 8:00pm

All families are invited to attend Kittredge School’s annual Holiday Happening! Please save the date and mark your calendars now to make sure you don’t miss this wonderful event. For those new to Kittredge, Holiday Happening is a beloved Kittredge tradition to celebrate the holidays together before everyone heads off for Winter Break. This year it will be held both indoors at school as well as outdoors in the courtyard. Please look out for a formal invite to be sent through Paperless Post later this month. While RSVPs are not required, it would help immensely with our planning.

There will be fun crafts, games, and activities for all!

Take photos and create special memories in a photo booth!

Come enjoy delicious treats and drinks!

We’ll close with our traditional Kittredge holiday sing-along at 8pm!

As always, a festive time will be had by all!

Volunteers needed! This is a volunteer-run event and we can’t have it without your help. We could use help with supervising the crafts and games, setting up, or cleaning up at the end of the evening. No tasks during the event itself take more than 30 minutes of your time, so you can help out and still enjoy the party! If interested, or if you have any questions, contact Riva Gokhale at Thank you for contributing to this fun filled evening!

See’s Candies Yum-Raiser ends this Friday, 12/2!

Thanks to all the families who have placed their orders so far! If you haven’t done so yet, please visit the KPA See’s Storefront to order delicious treats for your family and friends, all the while supporting a good cause, the Kittredge Parents Association (KPA). Feel free to also share the link with others; orders can be placed and delivered across the country. If you have any questions, please contact Lisa at

Slow Lake Street Community Forum

In the last few years, slow streets have opened and closed throughout San Francisco. You have an opportunity to hear more about the proposed plans for Lake Street or have your voice heard on December 6 at 1pm. Watch the meeting on SFGOVTV or join in person at city hall, room 400. For more information, visit:



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