This Week's News
Open Houses
Thank you to the Kittredge teachers, parents, and students who participated in last Thursday and Saturday's open houses. Zoe, Jessica, Cerys, Flynn, Minh, Tate, and first grade parent Jaclyn did us proud! Thank you for sharing your time and your Kittredge experience. We appreciate you and are so lucky to have you in our Kittredge community!
This Week in Sports
This week we're starting off strong with a volleyball game today, October 10th. Kittredge will face off agains KIPP Bayview Green at Shipwreck. The game begins at 4:00pm.
This Friday, October 13, is our next Cross Country meet at Hellman Hollow/Polo Fields. The race begins at 4:30pm, but students should arrive at 4:00pm for the walkthrough.
Gooooo Kittredge!
TeacherEase 101
It's hard to believe but we are already halfway through our first trimester! Now is the perfect time to check in on your child's grades and make sure they are on track.
Parents can access their child's grades via the TeacherEase website. If you are unsure of how to use TeacherEase, have no fear! There is a TeacherEase Youtube channel full of helpful videos that will guide you through the the website. For a video guide to accessing your child's grades, click here.
K-3 go to the Pumpkin Patch
This Thursday, October 12, our K-3rd graders will go on a field trip to the Petaluma Pumpkin Patch! This fall field trip is one of our favorites, and we can't wait to hear about all the fun when they return. Students should wear comfortable walking shoes, layers, sun protection, and should bring a hearty lunch and a water bottle. Get ready for a day of fun!
Green Energy Project
Green Energy Challenge is BACK at Kittredge this year by popular demand! This innovative, after-school, hands-on educational program teaches kids about climate change and energy science (click here for a brief video). This program, aimed at grades 3-7, will be taught by Kittredge alumni, Jacob and Ari Bushler, and other student educators from St. Ignatius College Preparatory. The previous courses taught at Kittredge were enthusiastically received by both kids and parents, so space will be limited. Please CLICK HERE to fill out a Green Energy Challenge Interest Form for your student.
Log On, Log Off.
This is a gentle reminder to our families to check in with your child about shared devices. Computers at school are shared devices and we encourage our students to log out after each session. You can support this practice by logging in and out of home devices too. We thank you for your help as we teach our students healthy technology practices.
Next Week's News
Next Week in Sports
Next week, Kittredge's volleyball team will face off against CAIS at CAIS 19th Ave. The game will begin at 4:30pm.
Crazy Hair Day
Student council has spoken, and our Spirit Days are in! The first Spirit Day of the year, Crazy Hair Day, will be next Wednesday, October 18. We can't wait to see Kittredge full of fun, funky hairstyles!
The upcoming Spirit Days will be......
Wednesday, November 8 - Superhero Day
Friday, November 17 - Culture Day (and Potluck!)
Thursday, December 21 - Pajama Day
Two Weeks at a Glance
October 10 - Volleyball vs. KIPP Bayview at 4:00pm
October 10 - KPA Zoom Meeting
October 12 - K-3 Pumpkin Patch Field Trip
October 12 - Cross Country practice
October 16 - Cross Country practice
October 17 - No Class for 8th Grade - High School Prep Day
October 18 - Crazy Hair Day
October 18 - Cross Country practice
October 18 - Volleyball vs. CAIS at 4:00pm
KPA Korner
KPA Meeting on October 10 at 7 p.m.
Join us for the KPA meeting tonight (Tuesday, October 10) at 7 p.m. via Zoom! On the agenda: Principal's Report, an overview of ways to support the KPA, updates on the Fall social and raffle, and more.
RSVP for the Fall Social!
Mark your calendar for a fun night out at the Stephens'! Don't forget to RSVP today for the October 28 at 6:30 p.m. party.
Fall Count-Me-Ins
Sign up to host a Fall Count-Me-In! Have fun, build community and raise funds for teachers and our kids! Deadline to submit an idea is October 20. Contact Leyla Cebeci at to brainstorm ideas or submit your idea today.
Fall Raffle
Be on the lookout -- Fall Raffle Tickets go on sale later this week and the class with the most tickets sold wins an ice cream party! Prizes include gift cards to favorite Richmond restaurants, bottles of wine...and a Grand Prize Schumacher Photography package.
Sharing is Caring!
Last Friday, the heat encouraged us to share some cold treats with our students. Take care, Kittredge. We hope your week is full of popsicles.... or whatever makes you smile as wide as these K-1 students!