Halloween at Kittredge
All students may come to school in costume on Monday, October 31. Costumes cannot include weapons or toy weapons of any kind. Masks and other accessories should be kept in a bag until the parade (weather permitting) at 2:00. Parents are invited to attend.
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Trick or Treat for UNICEF
Student council will once again sponsor this successful program. UNICEF boxes will be distributed to each student who wants to participate. The campaign will end on November 3 and the boxes must be in by that morning to count toward your class total.
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October 13 and 19 are 8th Grade High School Days
On this Thursday as well as next Wednesday there will be no classes for our 8th grade students. These days are scheduled to help and support our 8th graders while they are visiting high schools and working on their applications.
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Lifetouch Class Group Pictures and Retakes – October 20
Your children have all received their proofs from school pictures and their ID cards will be distributed this week. Pictures can be ordered online. Class pictures and individual retakes are scheduled for October 20. Please return the original proofs if your child is having a retake.
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Don’t Miss Out on the Next 5-week Science Club
The first science club with Ms. Rose ends this week and a new 5-week session begins next week. Details about the next exciting science exploration will be sent home later this week. Stay tuned!
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TeacherEase – Our Electronic Grade Book and Communication Tool
In everyone’s TeacherEase account there is a “Digital Locker”. It is one the communication tools listed and is available on all your electronic devices.
Please check the Digital Locker in your account later this week for the 2016-17 Family Roster. Please let me know if there are any changes needed.
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Halloween Costume Drive for Hamilton Family House
A message from Caroline Kreutzen, 8th grade student
As we near Halloween, please think of the many kids who can’t afford a costume and consider donating new or gently used costumes to the Hamilton Family House. Specifically they are looking for any kind of accessories and older kid costumes, however all donations are welcome. The Hamilton House’s mission is to end family homelessness and they provide services such as temporary housing and follow up. If you would like to donate, there will be a box in the main lobby of Kittredge near Trudy’s desk though October 19.
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Kittredge Parents Book Club – November 10th
The second year of the Parents Book Club (PBC) is underway. This first trimester, we are reading the book “Summer and Bird” by Katherine Catmull. This is an enchanting book about the quest of two sisters searching for their parents.
Our wonderful, talented and insightful 7th and 8th grade literature teacher, Debra Dharmer is leading the book club and looking forward to sharing the book with you and further cultivating our special Kittredge community. Come join the discussion on November 10th from 6 to 7:30.
Light refreshments will be served.
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KPA Korner
KPA Meeting Next Tuesday from 6:00 to 7:00!
All parents are invited (and encouraged) to come to the October KPA meeting tonight. Plans are underway for the popular Holiday Happening in December as well as the Spring Dinner/Auction. New ideas are always welcome. There is childcare and a pizza snack available for Kittredge students.
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Kittredge Raffle: Only Two Weeks Left!
Are you ready to win an iPad, Amazon Gift Certificates, or Warriors Tickets? Only two weeks left to return those raffle tickets! Please return your ticket stubs and payments by October 28th to your child’s teacher. All proceeds go to supporting teacher requests, field trips, JCC rental, and more. Thanks for all of your support for this fundraiser!
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KPA Parent and Teacher Social Night – October 21
Where: Sociale Restaurant – 3665 Sacramento Street
When: 6pm; Friday, October 21
Why: To welcome and thank you for being part of what makes Kittredge so great.
The KPA is hosting this adult only event… what a great way to start a weekend!
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October Calendar
A lot is going on in the next 2 weeks…
Tuesday, October 11: 1st to 3rd grade Science Club 3:15 to 4:30 – Last One!
Tuesday, October 11: Yom Kippur begins at sunset
Tuesday, October11: Running Gags race at the Polo Fields
Wednesday, October 12: NO Running Gags Practice
Wednesday, October 12: Woodside International HS admissions visits 7th and 8th graders
Wednesday, October 12: 4th to 6th grade Science Club 3:15 to 4:30 – Last One!
Wednesday, October 12: Volleyball vs. CDS @ Ella Hill @ 5:00
Thursday, October 13: No 8th graders; no SSAT Prep Class English
Friday, October 14: Pizza Lunch (if ordered)
Friday, October 14: Convent and Stuart Hall admissions visits 7th and 8th graders
Friday, October 14: Volleyball vs. Burkes @ KIPP @ 4:30
Monday, October 17: Cross Country Race @ Lindley Meadow @ 4:30
Monday, October 17: Urban H.S. admissions visits 7th and 8th graders
Tuesday, October 18: SSAT Math prep class 3:15 to 4:15
Tuesday, October 18: 1st to 3rd grade Science Club 3:15 to 4:30 – First One!
Tuesday, October 18: KPA meeting from 6:00 to 7:00
Tuesday, October 18: Nueva H.S. admissions visits 7th and 8th graders
Wednesday, October 19: 4th to 6th grade Science Club 3:15 to 4:30 – First One!
Wednesday, October 19: No 8th graders
Thursday, October 20: Class pictures and retakes
Thursday, October 20: SSAT Prep Class English; 3:15 to 4:15
Friday, October 21: K to 3rd grades to Pumpkin Patch Field Trip
Friday, October 21: Hot dog lunch (if ordered)
Friday, October 21: KPA Parent Teacher Social at Sociale