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Kittredge Konnection - October 8, 2024

This Week's News

Open Houses

Thank you to parent rep Mindee, graduate Charlotte, and 8th graders Eli and Henry for their help at last week's Open House. We had such a nice time, we think we'll do it again!

On Saturday, October 19, we invite parents of Kindergarten applicants to join us at Kittredge at 10am. Childcare will be available for children ages 4 and up.

If you know of a family that you think would be a great fit, send them our way! We'd love to meet them.

Character Day

You may have noticed that the Kittredge kids looked a little different yesterday... that's becuase yesterday was Character Day! Students came dressed as characters from their favorite movies, tv shows, video games, and more! It was so much fun to see everyone all dressed up and in costume. We think we'll dress up again at the end of the month!

High School Visits

If you talk to our 8th grade students, you'll know that high school application season is in full swing. Students have the opportunity to meet reperesentatives from different high schools throughout the fall. Students can look forward to the following visits this month:

October 9 - Waldorf

October 11 - Branson

October 17 - Sacred Heart Cathedral

Our 8th graders will not have classes at Kittredge on October 16 and 24 so that they they can visit classes on high school campuses.

Sports Report

Our next cross country meet is next Tuesday, October 15, at Lindley Meadow. The meet will begin at 4:30. Our next volleyball game is next Thursday, October 17, against CDS at Columbia Park. The game will begin at 4:00pm.

Hot Lunch

This week's hot lunch will be cheese pizza, a juice box, carrots, and a clementine. If you'd like to order, there's still time! You can do so here.

Next Week's News

Fall Holiday

There will be no school on Monday, October 14. Classes will resume on Tuesday, October 15.

Chess Club Starts Next Week

Chess Club is starting in just a couple of weeks! Wednesday, October 16th is the first meeting. Please see the flyer below to register!

Looking Ahead

Halloween Parade

On Thursday, October 31st, parents and family members are invited to join us at 2pm for our annual holiday parade. Kittredge students, teachers, and community members will parade around the block before gathering at Rochambeau Park for some Halloween festivities, lead by our performing arts teacher Ms. Rose.

Parents, if you plan to depart with your child from the playground, please be sure to sign your child out with their teacher.

Important Dates:

  • Monday 10/14 - No School - Fall Holiday

  • Tuesday 10/15 - Cross Country meet at Lindley Loop, 4:30pm

  • Wednesday 10/16 - High School Prep Day - No 8th Grade classes

  • Thursday 10/17-Volleyball vs. CDS at Columbia Park, 4:00pm

  • Monday 10/21 - K-3 Pumpkin Patch Field Trip

  • Thursday 10/24 - High School Prep Day - No 8th Grade classes

  • Thursday 10/24 - Cross Country meet at Crissy Field, 4:30pm

  • Thursday 10/24 - Volleyball game at Burkes vs. KIPP SF, 6:00pm

  • Monday 10/28 - Volleyball game at St. Mary's Rec vs. Synergy, 4:15pm

  • Wednesday 10/30 - Volleyball game at KIPP SF vs. SF Friends, 4:45pm

KPA Korner

Fall Fundraising Update

With a week and a half to go, we're more than half way to our total annual fundraising goal! If you haven't yet, visit the Fall Fundraiser site and sign up yourself or your child(ren) for a Champagne and Caviar Brunch, a day at the SF Zoo, a basketball clinic and much more. Plus, purchase raffle tickets for just $10 each and enter to win sports tickets, a weekend getaway to Sonoma, wine, etc. Every ticket purchased gets us closer to our goal!

RSVP Today: Join us at the Fall Social on 10/19

Greet old friends, make new ones, and enjoy food and drinks at the Stephens' house on October 19, 7:30-9:30 pm.  This is the ONLY KPA-hosted social event this year, so check your email for an invitation via Paperless Post and RSVP by Oct 11! We'll be announcing the raffle ticket prize winners at the event. 

Need a reimbursement from the KPA for approved expenses? Submit the form here.



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