September 22, 2015
The Votes are In
Congratulations to the Fall 2015 Kittredge School Student Council. Our new officers are:
School President: Jared Kahn
School Secretary: Andrew Aroutynov
Seventh Grade Rep: Ethan Reader
Sixth Grade Rep: Cate Kreutzen
4th/5th Grade Rep: Daisy Meritt
We are proud of all the students who ran for office this semester… they are all winners.
Habit of Mind for September: Applying Past Knowledge to new Situations
Relevant learning involves making connections. It means drawing on prior experience and past knowledge to understand and see the relevance of new concepts.
“Life is divided into three terms—that which was, which is, and which will be. Let us learn from the past to profit in the present, and from the present to live better in the future.” ~Wordsworth
Academic Chess Begins Next Friday, October 2
Chessmaster Jesse will once again offer his popular class on Friday after school. The session will begin on October 2 and continue until 12/4. Enrollment forms are in the office or you can register online at
High School Visit Days for 8th Graders
October 14 and 20 are “no school” days for our 8th grade students. These days are designed to allow 8th graders to visit high schools and work on their application essays without missing class time.
Running Gags are Off and Running
Our cross-country runners have their second race in Golden Gate Park at Hellman Hollow this Friday at 4:30. Students should get to the meet at 4:00 to walk through the course.
Parent help is needed. Anyone willing to volunteer at the meet should give Mr. L. a call. Go Gags!
Sibling Applications are Due November 16th
If you would like to have a sibling be considered for our 2016 early decision, we will have our TADS on-line application available for you in October. Please return the parent and teacher forms by November 16th. Early decisions will be sent December 15.
KPA Welcome and Pot Luck – October 17th at the Kadner/Roddy Residence
All parents and teachers have been invited to this beginning-of-the-year event. Kristen and Brian (Estella’s parents) have once again generously agreed to host an evening of fun, food and drinks. The company cannot be better, so please join the fun. An evite with all the details should have been received last week.
Pictures of our Fall Picnic are Available to See
Thanks to the skillful eye of Mr. Young as well as our extremely photogenic community, you can now enjoy the full assortment of photos from the Fall Picnic at Mountain Lake Park. Just click the following link:
Speaking of Mr. Young and Mason Nugent (see how I did that?)
Please take a minute to go to to see what they have been up to! Mason has miraculously updated the look of our school website and Terry has miraculously kept the information current and easy to find. You can even read old Konnections!
Help Kittredge Be a Good Neighbor!
Over the years, Kittredge School’s neighbors have been wonderfully supportive about having us in their midst. Every year we ask for your help to keep it this way. We ask that when you drop off and pick up your child, please do not double-park and leave your car unattended, block our neighbors’ driveways or the intersection of 25th and Lake. Thank you, Kittredge and our neighbors will both appreciate it!
There’s a Lot Going On in the Next Two Weeks!
Tuesday, September 22: Running Gags Practice
Tuesday, September 22: SSAT prep class; English; 3:15 to 4:15
Tuesday, September 22: 1st to 3rd grade Science Club; 3:15 to 4:30
Wednesday, September 23: 4th to 6th grade Science Club; 3:15 to 4:30
Thursday, September 24: Running Gags Practice
Thursday, September 24: SSAT Prep Class Math; 3:15 to 4:15
Friday, September 25: Chicken Strip Lunch (if ordered)
Friday, September 25: Cross Country Meet; 4:30 @ Hellman Hollow, Golden Gate Park
Monday, September 28: Volleyball vs. KIPP @ 3:45
Monday, September 28: YogaDance with Sarah
Tuesday, September 29: SSAT prep class English; 3:15 to 4:30
Tuesday, September 29: 1st to 3rd grade Science Club; 3:15 to 4:30
Tuesday, September 29: Running Gags Practice
Wednesday, September 30: 4th to 6th grade Science Club; 3:15 to 4:30
Wednesday, September 30: Running Gags Practice
Thursday, October 1: 7th and 8th Grades to San Rafael Film Center to see Malala
Thursday, October 1: SSAT prep class math; 3:15 to 4:15
Friday, October 2: Pizza Hot Lunch—Order Form will come with next week’s Konnection
Friday, October 2: Volleyball vs. SF Friends @ 4:45
KPA Korner
A Few Important Words from Kristen Kadner, KPA Social Chair (sorry again from Trudy)
From the Office of Internal Management, K. Kadner Pleading the Defense
Here ye, it is time to come to disorder.
By the power vested in me, you are requested, nay! demanded, at the home of
Kristen and Brian Roddy on Oct 17th, 225 San Anselmo Ave, 94127, 6:30ish
to represent Kittredge School in the sloppiest, huggiest manner possible, or with a tincture of decorum.
We love you either way, though be advised, gentle jury, you can’t spell Lime Margarita without Mr L.