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Kittredge Konnection – September 24, 2019

The Votes are In

Congratulations to the Fall 2019 Kittredge School Student Council. Our new officers are:

School President: Amanda Keene

School Secretary: Tara Peddi

Seventh Grade Rep: Charlotte Wentworth

Sixth Grade Rep: Luke Vilhauer

4th/5th Grade Rep: Lachlan McConnell

We are proud of all the students who ran for office this semester… they are all winners.



Today – Running Gag’s Second Meet is @ 4:30

We have a small but powerful team of runners who have been practicing on Mondays and Tuesdays. Thank you to Susan Keene who ran with the kids yesterday and to the parent volunteers helping us host today’s meet. Sometimes it takes a village, and we couldn’t be doing this without your help and support. Go Gags!



A High-Five to Ms. Baker and Ms. Pon-Barry

Congratulations to our two new amazing authors, Ms. Pon-Barry and Ms. Baker. They wrote chapter 4 titled, “Small is Beautiful: A Place to Grow the Habits of Mind” in the book “Nurturing Habits of Mind in Early Childhood.” Subtitled “Success Stories from Classrooms Around the World”, it is easy to see why the publishers ASCD wanted these two amazing teachers to share their successes for their book! Congratulations to you both, and thanks for making Kittredge great!


Tomorrow – First Volleyball Game

Our first volleyball game will be Wednesday at SF Friends School. Our team is practicing twice a week and they are looking great. Everyone is welcome to attend a game and cheer the team on. Go Kittredge!



High School Admissions Representatives

Every year our 7th and 8th graders are fortunate to have the wonderful experience of meeting and listening to admissions representatives from many of the private high schools in the city. The representatives come to Kittredge and spend about an hour with our students explaining their school and answering questions. This is a very personal and special opportunity that our students receive as they are completing their high school admissions process.

So far they have met with reps from Branson and University High School. Lick Wilmerding and Besent are coming later this week. In October they will hear from Drew High School, Saint Ignatius, Jewish Community High School, SF High School of the Arts, Woodside International, The Marin School, Sacred Heart, International High School, The Bay School, Urban High School, and Riordan and Mercy High Schools.


Academic Chess Begins Next Friday, October 4

Chessmaster Jesse will once again offer his popular class on Friday after school. The session will begin on October 4 and will continue until 12/6. Enrollment forms are in the office or you can download one here. You can also register online at



High School Visit Days for 8th Graders

October 10 and 16 are “no school” days for our 8th grade students. These days are designed to allow 8th graders to visit high schools and work on their application essays without missing class time.


No School Monday, October14

As written in our school calendar, Kittredge will be closed on Monday, October 14 in celebration of the Fall Holiday. There will be no classes or Extended Day.



Sibling Applications are Due November 20th

If you would like to have a sibling be considered for our 2020 early decision, we will have our TADS on-line application available for you in October. Please return the parent and teacher forms by November 20. Early decisions will be sent December 18.



There’s a Lot Going On in the Next Two Weeks!

Today, September 24: Running Meet at 4:30

Today, September 24: SSAT Math prep class 3:15 to 4:15 for 8th graders; Science Club

Wednesday, September 25: Science Club 3:15 to 4:30

Wednesday, September 25: Volleyball game vs. SF Friends @ SFFS @ 6pm; Besent Hill admissions visits

Thursday, September 26: SSAT English prep class 3:15 to 4:15 for 8th graders

Friday, September 27: Chicken Strips Lunch (if ordered); Lick Wilmerding admissions visits

Monday, September 30: Volleyball Practice; Running Gags Practice

Tuesday, October 1: SSAT prep class Math 3:15 to 4:15; Science Club 3:15 to 4:30; Running Gags Practice

Wednesday, October 2: Science Club 3:15 to 4:30; SI High School admissions visits

Thursday, October 3: SSAT Prep Class English; 3:15 to 4:15; JCHS admissions visits

Friday, October 4: Bagel Lunch (October Order Form will come next Tuesday)

Friday, October 4: Academic Chess Begins




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