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Kittredge Konnection – September 7, 2021

Today’s News

Covid Health Screenings – We Need Your Help

Please help us with completing the daily Covid Screen in TeacherEase before you leave in the morning. This will make sure that we have the results before your child arrives to school. Unfortunately, some students are being dropped off before we receive the form and are not permitted into their classroom. They come to the office to complete it on their own which often takes away from their valuable classroom time.

Our hope is that with everyone’s help we will see completed forms for every student who is dropped off and we can let them go directly to their classroom.

If you think a reminder on your phone could help, please consider asking Siri to set one for early each morning! Thank you for your help.


This Week’s News

Minimum Day Dismissal – Thursday, September 9

Also written in our calendar, please note that school is being dismissed at Noon on Thursday, September 9 so teachers can prepare for Back to School Night.

We will send a form to confirm whether your child will be dismissed to Extended Day at Noon or will be dismissed to go home at Noon. Extended Day will be available for drop-in registration if needed.


Back to School Night, Next Wednesday and Thursday September 8 and 9

This year, because we are using Zoom, we have the opportunity to stagger the classroom presentations. This allows parents with more than one child at Kittredge, to be able to attend each child’s teacher presentation.

Back to School Night information will focus on curriculum and expectations and is not for individual conferencing. It will be a chance to hear your child’s teacher’s goals and plans for the year.

The schedule for classroom presentations is:

Wednesday: 5:15 to 6:00 – Amanda Horrocks with 2nd and 3rd grade parents

6:00 to 6:45 – Katie Bradley and Amy Forrest with 4th and 5th grade parents

6:45 to 7:39 – Kevin Smith with 6th grade parents

Thursday: 5:30 to 6:15 – Graziella Villahermosa with kindergarten and first grade parents

6:30 to 7:00 – Mara Leonard with 7th grade parents

6:30 to 7:00 – Terry Young with 8th grade parents

7:00 to 7:30 – Mara Leonard with 8th grade parents

7:00 to 7:30 – Terry Young with 7th grade parents


Fall Picnic – Saturday, September 11 at Mt. Lake Park

Everyone is invited to join the fun next Saturday from 10am until 1pm. We will be between 8th and 10th Avenue at the shelter. There is an entrance to the park on Lake Street at 9th Avenue.

Due to Covid restrictions, we are asking each family to bring their own lunch and a blanket or chairs to use.

We will provide individual juice boxes, chip bags and cookies for dessert so we can all still have that Kittredge Community experience.

Hope to see you there!


Important News from Ms. Pon-Barry

Dear Kittredge Families,

Your child’s health and safety is our priority. As wildfires burn throughout the state of California, we are preparing for how to address the smoke while still maximizing safety for Covid-19. Please read the information below and contact the school if you have any questions.

Preparing for Wildfire Smoke During Covid-19

When air quality worsens, we will take steps to limit exposure to smoke and COVID-19.

When wildfire smoke enters our community, Kittredge monitors air quality via You can read more about the Air Quality Index and recommended actions by reading about the AQI Basics.

Kittredge Actions For Air Quality Benchmarks

Kittredge is responding to wildfire smoke in several ways including:

  1. Utilizing air purifiers in each classroom

  2. Utilizing a triple-stage filter system for the school at large (intended for hospitals and ICU units)

  3. Adopting the AQI Matrix shown below.

  4. Encouraging double masking, or masking with filters.

When the AQI exceeds 100 Kittredge will promote less strenuous activity outdoors as well as increase rest periods.

When the AQI exceeds 150 for a sustained period of time, Kittredge will suspend outdoor activity, close windows, close exterior doors, and maximize air filtration.

When the AQI exceeds 200 for more than 24 hours, Kittredge will consider temporarily suspending classes.

*In addition to the Kittredge response, students are encouraged to double mask or use a mask with a filter when the AQI rises.

Kittredge Response to Wildfire Smoke


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